Mark Richt names favorite college football stadium song

Former Georgia Bulldogs and Miami Hurricanes head coach Mark Richt named his favorite stadium song on the ACC Network

Former Georgia Bulldogs and Miami Hurricanes head coach Mark Richt named his favorite stadium song on the ACC Network. The result won’t surprise many Georgia Bulldogs fans.

Richt considers “In The Air Tonight” by Phil Collins to be a great stadium song. In fact, he went as far as to sing his version of the song.

University of Georgia fans will recognize the tune as it is played in Sanford Stadium before kickoff for every Georgia Bulldogs home game.

It’s good to see that former UGA head coach Mark Richt enjoyed some of the traditions during his time in Athens. He enjoys himself on the ACC Network. Although, most fans prefer Phil Collin’s rendition of his song as opposed to the Mark Richt version.

Another song Georgia frequently plays ahead of home games is “Baba O’Riley” by The Who. Which song is your favorite pregame song?

I do have to say that I prefer “In The Air Tonight”, but “Baba O’Riley” still gets me hyped up for a Saturday between the hedges.

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