Jenkins was hopeful the season would …

Jenkins was hopeful the season would resume but also placed basketball in a bigger context “This is a global pandemic, and we realize that basketball pales in comparison to what’s happening in just life in general,” Jenkins said. “We do realize that basketball is a big portion of people’s daily lives and happiness and outlets, just like sports in general. But we all do realize that doesn’t come without making sure there’s a safe world that we’re living in.”

Morant said he doesn’t mind the …

Morant said he doesn’t mind the constructive criticism. In fact, he’s hungry for it. He frequently comes out of the family film sessions with a list of discussion items for his meeting with Jenkins the next morning. “The first time we sat in a film session and I went after him about something probably defensively,” Jenkins said, “he was like, ‘I want this, Coach. I need this, Coach. More, more.’ He texted me after games early in the season: ‘I gotta be better.’ He wants that interaction, wants that dialogue. He has this curiosity about how he can be better and how we can be better.”

Jenkins has given Crowder his blessing …

Jenkins has given Crowder his blessing to speak up in such situations. Crowder’s been a starter since Day 1 this season due in part to his ability to lead — both by example and with his sometimes harsh words. He barks at his teammates when they are not in position, and he speaks his mind when he disagrees with the coaching staff. And he might even applaud you if you pick up a technical foul.

“He’s an unbelievable leader,” Jenkins …

“He’s an unbelievable leader,” Jenkins said. “Our first conversation, we sat down and had breakfast, and he was super excited about this opportunity. Obviously he’s bounced around the last couple of years, but he’s learned so much. He was freely sharing how much he’d learned from when he started in Dallas, the success that he had in Boston, going to Utah, a successful team. Obviously, as we started the season we had different expectations coming in. We didn’t know what we were going to have. But he was excited about helping these young guys grow and taking on a new role.”