Today the Atlanta Hawks and State Farm …

Today the Atlanta Hawks and State Farm gathered 5,000 volunteers at State Farm Arena to pack one million meals as part of the Million Meal Pack. Hawks CEO Steve Koonin, State Farm Senior Vice President Dan Krause, City of Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens, NBA Hall of Famer and Hawks Legend Dikembe Mutombo as well as Congresswoman Nikema Williams welcomed and thanked the volunteers for donating their time in support of the team’s largest single-day community service initiative.

Koonin’s appearance covered a lot of …

Koonin’s appearance covered a lot of ground. He and the hosts discussed podcasting during the playoffs and even went into a discussion about the level of physicality between the Boston Celtics and Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals. But Mike Bell wasted little time asking about the rumor from Fischer of Collins going to the Portland Trail Blazers for the seventh-overall pick. Koonin treated that rumor as such. “Let me break this down. We have unsubstantiated rumors from unnamed people about an unnamed trade. And how does the seventh pick equivocate to a $25 million player when trades have to offset money?” The Hawks’ top executive put the exclamation point on his stance. “I would say it starts with bull and ends with…”

At this point, however, nothing has …

At this point, however, nothing has been agreed to. For the league to start the season on Dec. 1, it would need to be signed off on by the NBPA, which hasn’t happened yet, sources said. Both sides remain focused on the myriad issues left to be resolved before the league can begin play at Walt Disney World next month. The idea of shifting the NBA calendar from its current, long-standing schedule of beginning the regular season in October and ending its playoffs in June to going from December until August — and, by extension, avoiding conflicting with the NFL as much as possible — has been something that Hawks CEO Steve Koonin has publicly pushed for, including on a panel at February’s Sloan Analytics Conference that was moderated by ESPN’s Kevin Arnovitz.

As protests for racial justice have …

As protests for racial justice have broken out across America this week, several NBA teams have released official statements supporting equal justice while condemning violence and racism. On Sunday, Hawks CEO Steve Koonin added to the chorus by unequivocally denouncing both the police brutality that has claimed so many American lives and those who don’t speak out against it.

In the tweet, Koonin appears to …

In the tweet, Koonin appears to directly call out police officers who have committed acts of violence against black people, as well as those who have so far ignored the issue. This week’s protests were sparked by the muder of George Floyd, a black man, by a Minneapolis police officer, who is now facing charges for third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.