6 possible Washington nicknames after the elimination of Warriors

The Washington Football Team will have a new name and logo in early 2022. It won’t be Warriors. Here are six possibilities.

It’s been a busy week as it pertains to the Washington Football Team and its impending rebrand. Team president Jason Wright recently sat down with Nicki Jhabvala of The Washington Post and said the new name and logo would be revealed in early 2022.

Not long after Jhabvala’s story on Wright, the team president published a memo on the team’s official website confirming the nickname “Warriors” would not be Washington’s new nickname. That had been a popular choice for some fans.

Where does Washington go now?

We’ve compiled a list of six possible nicknames for the Washington Football Team now that one of the previous favorites has been eliminated.

Keep in mind that these aren’t necessarily our top choices, but some of the names discussed over the past year.