Justin Thomas switches to prototype Scotty Cameron putter at Scottish Open

The 31-year-old has been one of the worst putters on the PGA Tour this season.

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Saying that Justin Thomas has struggled on the greens this season is like saying the wind golfers typically contend with on Scotland’s famous links courses is nothing but a refreshing summer breeze. Statistically, the 31-year-old has been one of the worst putters on the PGA Tour this season, ranking 157th out of 175 players in Strokes Gained: Putting.

Knowing that, maybe it should not be a surprise that the two-time PGA Championship winner has made a putter change this week at the Genesis Scottish Open.

Thomas had been using a custom-made Scotty Cameron Phantom X 5.5 for several seasons, and he used that putter to win both of his major championships, but this week at the Renaissance Club, he added a prototype Scotty Cameron Phantom 9.2 putter to his bag.

The mallet-style putter is nearly identical to the prototype mallet putter that Scotty Cameron made for Jordan Spieth and that Spieth tinkered with at the Travelers Championship. And that’s no accident.

“Paul Vizanko of Scotty Cameron had made one for Jordan, just for him to have and to mess with and to see how he liked it,” Thomas said on Thursday. “I happened to be staying with Jordan a couple of times over that stretch when he got it, and I picked it up and thought it looked amazing. I thought it felt great, and talking with Paul about it, there were a lot of characteristics in the way the putter was built that helped a pretty good amount of my bad tendencies, I would say, that are in my stroke. It’s just able to help that, so I asked them to make me up one and send me one.”


Phantom 9.2 has a plumber’s neck hosel that has been hand-welded to the head, and is fitted with the same SuperStroke Zenergy Pistol Tour grip that Thomas had on his previous putter. What is new, however, is Thomas’ putter (like Spieth’s prototype) is fitted with a graphite shaft made by UST Mamiya labeled ‘Scotty Cameron Xperimental Prototype.’

Before this week at the Scottish Open, where Thomas shot an opening-round 62 before carding a 72 on Friday, Thomas had never used a graphite-shafted putter in competition. Scotty Cameron has also never sold a graphite-shafted putter at retail.

Thomas’s putter has a short black alignment line extending back from the topline. It does not extend all the way to the back of the putter, but instead stops after about an inch. There are weights in the heel and toe area of the sole so Vizanko and others at Scotty Cameron can adjust the swing weight for Thomas. The Phantom 9.2’s overall shape is very similar to Phantom 9.5 that is currently in pro shops, but there are no milling marks on the top of Thomas’s putter

Scotty Cameron Phantom X putters (2024)

The Scotty Cameron Phantom X putters for 2024 have been reimagined to make alignment and aim easier, while also enhancing feel and sound.

Gear: Scotty Cameron Phantom X putters (2024)
Price: $$449 and $499 (Phantom 11 Long)
Specs: Milled 303 stainless steel and 6061 aluminum chassis with steel/tungsten weights.
Available: March 29 (Phantom 5, 5.5, 5S, 7, 7.5, 9 and 9.5), May 17 (Phantom 11, 11.5 and new Phantom 11 Long)

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Who It’s For: Golfers who want a mallet that is easy to align and aim while still getting the sound and feel of Scotty Cameron’s milled blade putters.

The Skinny: The Phantom putters for 2024 have been subtly tweaked so the entire head acts like an alignment aid, while the dual-milled face design enhances sound and feel in each of the five different head shapes.

The Deep Dive: Golfers who compete on the PGA Tour, LPGA and DP World Tour have loved the look and feel of Scotty Cameron blade-style putters for years, but the popularity of mallets increased over time. Today, about half of the Scotty Cameron putters you will see “inside the ropes” are mallets. But while most players add a mallet to their bag for extra forgiveness, they still want to maximize feel, get a pleasing sound at impact and like what they see when they look down at the club.

That’s why, besides Newport, Newport 2 and other blade-style putters, Cameron offers several different mallets in the Phantom lineup, which has been updated for 2024.

While recreational golfers typically see mallet putters as clubs offering more forgiveness, tour players usually see their most appealing feature as something else. Yes, larger putters tend to resist twisting on off-center hits more than blades, and the Phantom putters offer a higher moment of inertia (MOI) than the Scotty Cameron Super Select blades, but elite golfers often prefer mallets because they can hold bigger, more effective alignment aids.

Cameron wanted to make that the most significant point of emphasis in the 2024 Phantom family and worked with his team to make each head work as an alignment system. 

Scotty Cameron Phantom X 11
The Scotty Cameron Phantom X 11 has an arrow alignment feature, along with angles on the chassis designed to help golfers focus on the target line. (Titleist)

For example, when golfers put a Phantom 11 putter down behind a ball, they see a pair of lines extending from the back of the head to the topline and forming an arrow. However, golfers may not even be aware that the topline edges in the heel and toe area have been angled inward toward the ball, while the back of the topline has also been angled toward the ball. The negative space between the wings in the back of the head also forms a second arrow. These features work together to aid a golfer in alignment, even if some of them are working subconsciously.

The Phantom 9 has two lines on the top, but while there is no arrow, the angles on the topline and the space between the wings in the back point the golfer’s eyes toward the ball and the target line.

Scotty Cameron Phantom X 5.5
The 202 stainless steel face of the Phantom X putters is duel milled to create a deeper sound and softer feel. (Titleist)

In addition to subtly modifying the putter shapes, Scotty Cameron and his team have updated the milling pattern in the hitting area. Each Phantom mallet still starts as a block of 303 stainless steel that is milled into shape, and 6061 aircraft-grade aluminum has been added in the soles to reduce weight in the center and increase the perimeter weighting, but now the Phantom putters have come with the same dual-milling face that debuted in 2023’s Super Select family

During the process, a milling machine passes over the face, makes deep cuts in the hitting area and removes ribbons of steel. Then, a second milling pass shaves the points off the hitting area created during the first milling pass, flattening them. The result is a face that creates the sound and feel of a deep-mill pattern but also puts more steel on the ball at impact to enhance a golfer’s sense of touch.

Finally, Cameron gave the 2024 Phantom putters a new rubber grip. For years, Scotty Cameron putters have come with very slender or pistol-style grips, but the Phantom putters come standard with a paddle-style grip that is flat on the top and features minimal taper. 

Below is a closer look at the 2024 Scotty Phantom 5, 7, 9, 11 and 12 putters.  

Tiger Woods’ golf equipment through the years

Take a look at how Tiger’s bag has evolved over the last 13 years.

At this point, every time Tiger Woods tees it up and competes, it becomes appointment television for golf lovers and sports fans around the world. It has been 27 years since Woods turned pro, but few celebrities or athletes have his star power, and it is fair to say that nearly every shot he has hit since he won the 1997 Masters has been photographed or captured on television.

Golf equipment lovers have always paid close attention to the gear Woods plays, from the days when his bag was filled with Mizuno irons and Cleveland wedges with a Ping putter, to today, with 13 TaylorMade clubs and his trusty Scotty Cameron putter.

Take a look at the gear the 15-time major winner has used since 2010.

Scotty Cameron drops limited edition Concept X 7.2 LTD putter

The Scotty Cameron Concept X 7.2 LTD putter stylishly blends stability and touch on the greens.

Gear: Scotty Cameron Concept X 7.2 LTD putter
Price: $750
Spec: Milled 303 stainless steel body with 6061 aluminum sole plate, adjustable steel weights
Available: Sept. 15

Scotty Cameron releases limited-edition putters a few times a year, and the clubs often blend elements of putters that are gaining popularity on the PGA Tour with unique finishes or colors. The just-released Concept X 7.2 LTD is the latest limited-edition offering to drop and it stylishly blends a popular mallet shape with a hosel configuration and weight system into a club that is sure to turn heads.

The Concept X 7.2 LTD’s body is milled from 303 stainless steel for a soft feel, with wing-style extensions in the heel and toe areas. When golfers address the ball and look down, they will see a pair of lines that are designed to be the width of a golf ball on the inner-facing side of each wing, along with three “cherry bombs” on the top line. Combined, these alignment features should make it easier to aim your putts and roll start them on your intended line.

Instead of using steel on the bottom of the club, a 6061 aluminum sole plate has been designed into the Concept X 7.2 LTD. Removing weight from the middle of the sole shifts more of the overall weight to the perimeter, for increased stability. It also helps to create the discretionary weight needed to add a pair of adjustable sole weights. They are not intended to be changed by golfers, but fitters can add different weights in those spots to adjust the putter’s swing weight.

The hitting area of the Concept X 7.2 LTD has been designed with the same dual-milling treatment found on the new Super Select putters. A first, deep milling helps to create a low-pitch sound and soften the feel at impact before a second milling shaves off the points created by the first milling, so more of the steel comes into contact with the ball for a more consistent roll.

Unlike many mallet putters that are face-balanced, the Concept X 7.2 LTD has a moderate amount of toe hang thanks to a plumber’s neck hosel. This neck configuration is popular on many of Cameron’s Newport-style blade putters and it should make the Concept X 7.2 LTD swing and feel like a heel-toe weighted blade, while providing the stability and forgiveness of a mallet.

The Tour Black finish of the head is complimented by a black stepless shaft and black pistol grip. A limited number of Concept X 7.2 LTD putters will be available at Titleist-authorized shops starting September 15.

Winner’s Bag: Lee Hodges, 2023 3M Open

Check out the clubs that got the job done in Minnesota.

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A complete list of the golf equipment Lee Hodges used to win the PGA Tour’s 2023 3M Open:

DRIVER: Titleist TSR2 (8 degrees), with Fujikura Speeder 757 Evolution 6 TX shaft

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FAIRWAY WOOD: Titleist TSR3 (15 degrees), UST Mamiya LIN-Q Red M40X 8F5 X shaft

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HYBRID: Titleist TSR3 (21 degrees), with KBS Tour 95 prototype Hybrid X shaft

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IRONS: Titleist T100 (4-6), 620 CB (7-9), KBS Tour C-Taper 130 X shafts

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WEDGES: Titleist Vokey Design SM9 (46, 52 degrees), with KBS Tour C-Taper 130 X (56, 60 degrees), with KBS Tour Hi-Rev 2.0 Wedge 125 S shafts

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PUTTER: Scotty Cameron GOLO 6 tour prototype

BALL: Titleist Pro V1

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GRIPS: Golf Pride MCC

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Scotty Cameron Champions Choice putters

Scotty Cameron Champions Choice putters have a Teryllium insert.

Gear: Scotty Cameron Champions Choice putters
Price: $700 each
Specs: Milled 303 stainless steel head with Teryllium insert, aluminum sole plate and adjustable sole weights.
Available: July 28

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Who It’s For: Golfers with deep pockets who want to maximize feel and touch on the greens.

The Skinny: Adding a Teryllium insert to classically milled putters enhances feel and sound to help golfers get a better sense of touch on putts.

The Deep Dive: Tiger Woods won his first major championship, the 1997 Masters, using a Scotty Cameron Teryllium TeI3 Newport putter, and Brooks Koepka has won his five major championships using a Teryllium-inserted Scotty Cameron T10 Select Newport 2 prototype, but Titleist’s master craftsman for putters had never made a retail putter with a Teryllium insert until the Teryllium T22 putters were released in 2019. Two years later, the Champions Choice family of putters dropped, marking the second time the exotic material was made available to the public. Scotty Cameron has just updated those putters and released the Champions Choice Limited Release putters for 2023.

There are four putters in the family – Newport Plus, Newport 1.5 Plus, Newport 2 Plus, Newport 2.5 Plus – and each is a slightly larger version of the standard putter that bares its name. The addition of Plus versions of putters debuted in January’s Super Select family

All the Champions Choice Limited Release putters are milled from 303 stainless steel and have a weight in the heel and toe areas of the sole to allow fitters to adjust the swing weight of the putter based on its length or the golfer’s preferences. They also have a 6061 aluminum sole plate that takes weight from the middle of the head and shifts more of the overall weight to the perimeter for enhanced stability. Finally, they also have a single alignment line to help golfers aim the face. 

The significant difference between the Champions Choice and Super Select putters is the Champions Choice has been made with the Teryllium insert. Don’t look for that material on the Periodic Table because it’s a name Cameron made up for an alloy. 

“Tellurium copper is made from 12 different alloys to create this super-soft copper. No one [when Cameron was developing the material] had heard of tellurium, but everyone was into beryllium nickel and beryllium copper, so I took the name Teryllium and called and got a trademark on it,” Cameron told Golfweek in 2018 in a discussion about Brooks Koepka’s putter. 

The Teryllium insert is designed over a layer of vibration-dampening tape and held in position by three screws that you can see on the back of the putter. Those screws for the Button Back pattern take the place of the trademark Cherry Bombs found on many Scotty Cameron putters. In the Champions Choice putters, the Button Back area has been paint-filled using red, white and blue, but you can not see the colors when you look down in the address position and get ready to putt. 

Father’s Day Gift Guide: 13 great golf gifts for dad at PGA TOUR Superstore

Check out these 13 Father’s Day golf gifts from PGA TOUR Superstore

Father’s Day will be here before you know it so take the time to pick out a perfect gift for dad.

Whether your dad is a scratch golfer, a true beginner or somewhere in between, PGA TOUR Superstore has exactly what you need to make this Father’s Day one to remember.

Gift dad a big ticket item like a new driver, putter or set of irons. If you’re on a strict budget, PGA Tour Superstore has gift guides to keep you in line with gifts under $50 and $100.

Get dad something he’ll be excited to use! With thousands of pieces of golf equipment, apparel, accessories and more at PGA TOUR Superstore, you’re sure to find a gift dad will love.

Scotty Cameron Monoblok 6.0, Monoblok 6.5 putters

Monoblok putters feature a semi-circular shape and perimeter weighting to maximize feel and stability.

Gear: Scotty Cameron Monoblok 6.0, Monoblok 6.5 putters
Price: $650 each
Specs: Milled 303 stainless steel with 6061 aluminum sole plate and steel weight screws
Available: Oct. 7

Who It’s For: Golfers with deep pockets who look to a mallet putter that enhances feel but also is forgiving on off-center hits.

The Skinny: Milled from one block of solid steel, both Monoblok putters feature a semi-circular shape and perimeter weighting to maximize feel while also increasing the moment of inertia and stability on mis-hits

The Deep Dive: The Scotty Cameron GoLo putters from the early and mid-2010s were updated several times and available in sizes ranging from the compact GoLo 3 to the extra large GoLo 7, with the GoLo 5 sitting in the middle. They had a flowing, semi-circular shape, and the larger models featured perimeter weighting that made the heads more stable than golfers might expect on off-center hits.

With the release of Monoblok 6.0 and Monoblok 6.5, Cameron is returning to the familiar shape and trying to offer players a pair of putters that deliver outstanding feel and touch on the greens and better performance on putts hit outside the sweet spot.

Scotty Cameron Monoblok putters
The Monoblok 6.5 is milled from a solid piece of 303 stainless steel. (Titleist)

As the name implies, each of the Monoblok putters starts as one block of 303 stainless steel. The block is positioned in a milling machine, and a computer controls a fast-spinning bit that passes back and forth over the metal, shaving off tiny ribbons of material until Cameron’s desired shape is produced. Milling putters this way improves quality control and ensures the same shapes are produced every time.

The faces of the Monoblok 6.0 and Monoblok 6.5 are also milled to help create a sound and feel that Cameron thinks will be pleasing to many golfers.

A large portion of the sole of the club is removed during the milling process, then covered with a 6061 aluminum plate. The aluminum weighs significantly less than the steel that was in the head, so more of the overall weight naturally shifts to the perimeter, which boosts the moment of inertia for more stability. There are also weights in the heel and toe area that can be changed by custom fitters to increase or decrease the Monoblok 6.0 and Monoblok 6.5’s swing weight based on the club’s length and the golfer’s preferences.

Scotty Cameron Monoblok putters
The face-balanced Monoblok 6.0 has a curved neck and single alignment line. (Titleist)

While both clubs feature a single black alignment line in the cavity of the head, the neck and hosels are different. The Monoblok 6.0 has a mid-bend shaft and is nearly face-balanced, so it should appeal to golfers who make a straight-back, straight-through putting stroke. The Monoblok 6.5 has a short, curved neck that creates more toe hang, so it is better suited to golfers who like arc in their putting stroke.

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This Tiger Woods backup Scotty Cameron putter sold for nearly $330,000 at auction

Want a piece of Tiger Woods memorabilia? Be prepared to write a big check.

Want a piece of Tiger Woods memorabilia? Be prepared to write a big check.

Owning a piece of Tiger’s collection comes with a steep price. Look no further than when one of his backup putters sold for nearly $400,000 a year ago. Now, another one of his putters has been sold at a hefty cost.

Woods’ backup putter from circa 2005 was sold for $328,577 on Golden Age Auctions. There were 47 bids for the putter, which had the starting price set at $5,000.

The signed Scotty Cameron ‘Red Dot’ Newport 2 is the same model as the putter Woods used to win 14 of his 15 majors. This putter is said to have been made as a backup for Woods’ gamer around 2005. Woods usually tested the backups to ensure they were to his liking, but confirming that he used them is difficult because he did so in private, according to the PGA Tour.

This putter, which comes with a certificate of authenticity from Scotty Cameron, is said to have been signed by Woods during a 2005 auction for the Tiger Woods Learning Center.

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Scotty Cameron limited-edition Special Select Jet Set putters

Four new limited-edition, all-black putters are a stylish way to make a statement on the greens.

Gear: Scotty Cameron limited edition Special Select Jet Set putters
Price: $650 each
Specs: Milled 303 stainless steel with adjustable sole weights and aluminum sole plate
Available: Aug. 19

Who it’s For: Golfers who want a traditional blade with a soft feel in an all-black, non-glare finish.

The Skinny: The limited-edition Special Select Jet Set Newport and Newport 2 are all-black versions of the previously released Special Select putters, while the Plus versions are new, wider offerings that should provide more stability.

The Deep Dive: If you are ever in Encinitas, California, and have a chance to stop by the Scotty Cameron Gallery, it will be easy to see what inspires Titleist’s putter guru. For decades, Cameron has loved Southern California beach culture, American muscle cars and industrial designs.

Recently, more and more pros who use a Scotty Cameron putter have opted to use a Phantom X or Futura X mallet – players such as Justin Thomas, Max Homa and Patrick Cantlay – but most golfers associate Cameron with heel-toe-weighted blades such as the Special Select putters. With the release of the limited-edition Special Select Jet Set putters, Cameron is building on the Special Select lineup that was released about two years ago and blending his most popular blade offerings with a styling that sets them apart.

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