Check out this Rams uniform concept with team’s new colors

This graphic artist redesigned the Rams’ uniforms with the team’s new colors.

After outraging just about the entire fanbase with their new logo, the Los Angeles Rams are hoping their redesigned uniforms will make up for it in some way. The new look is set to be revealed later this spring, sometime after the draft, and fans are anxiously awaiting the day they get to see their team’s refreshed uniforms.

The Rams have said very little about the redesign, other than the importance of the iconic horns and paying homage to the team’s history, so predicting what it will look like is tough. A graphic designer by the name of Mike Joseph created a concept that features the team’s new colors for Uni-Watch, while still paying tribute to past looks.

He shared his designs on Reddit, with four uniform sets included.

Did some Rams concepts for Uni Watch. Happy Easter! from LosAngelesRams

He also shared more photos of the design on Twitter, including this outfit layout in response to the Rams’ “Happy Easter” tweet. The color looks darker, but Joseph says it’s the color the team released with its new logo.

While there’s no telling what direction the Rams will go with their new uniforms, they should strongly consider keeping the horns on the shoulders, which is an iconic part of the throwback set.

With how much white is used in the new logo, it wouldn’t be a surprise if they wore white pants instead of the yellow ones they’ve been wearing with the throwback uniforms.

The concept isn’t a bad one, but like anything else, it’ll have fans torn if the team goes with something like this design.

Rams are wisely keeping their options open with both new logos

The Rams aren’t fully committed to using one new logo over the other.

After two years of planning and designing, the Los Angeles Rams finally revealed their new logo to everyone on Monday. The big unveiling, however, was met with more criticism from fans than the team probably anticipated.

That’s not to say the Rams were unaware of the pushback that was bound to arise, but they probably hoped fans’ reception to the new logo would be warmer than it was. Almost immediately, fans ripped the logo on Twitter, while others fired up Photoshop and attempted to improve the design – some even successfully.

While the outrage over the simplistic L.A. logo was to be expected after the leaked hat a few weeks ago, the team left itself a contingency plan by unveiling not one logo, but two.

There’s the L.A. mark, as well as the more traditional ram head, which has been modernized with a minimalist look.

When the announcement was made, the Rams first showed off the L.A. mark, which was leaked on the draft hat. However, in the same release video where Jared Goff put on a hat with that logo, John Johnson wore one with the ram head.

That wasn’t accidental, and it was a sign of the Rams’ commitment to both logos, not just the controversial L.A. mark.

On a video conference with Rams creative director Cory Befort and VP of merchandise, Tyrel Kirkham, it was made clear that the team is keeping its options open with both logos. They’ll both be used on the team’s website and branding, as well as at SoFi Stadium.

“With the 50-yard line on the field, we’re creating stencils for both logos,” Befort told Rams Wire. “We’re leaning into both marks heavily.”

While Befort said technically, the L.A. mark is the Rams’ primary logo, they can (and will) use the ram head, too. The reason for that is simple: Each logo appeals to a different subset of the fanbase.

The L.A. design is much different than any of the Rams’ past logos, which could appeal to a newer audience of fans. On the flipside, the ram head is probably the preferred logo for fans who have supported the team back to their previous Los Angeles days.

“We can touch that new fan, as well as general Los Angeles fans and get them on board,” Befort said, adding that the ram head “correlates more with classic fans.”

It was a long process coming up with these two logos. Befort estimated that the design team went through 200-300 different logos before landing on the ones they revealed Monday.

And when the brainstorming began toward the end of 2017, they weren’t set on strictly using an L.A. logo or a ram head. They were open to both and didn’t see why they couldn’t go with both.

“We collectively went through two to three hundred different logos before landing in this space,” Befort said. “From Day 1, we didn’t say we need to go with L.A. or a ram head. We just landed on, ‘Why can’t we have an LA mark and a ram head mark?’”

With two options on the table, the Rams have opened the door for ample merchandise opportunities. Kirkham explained the benefit of having two iconic logos from a sales perspective, allowing the team to capitalize on different audiences.

For instance, they can use the ram head on more traditional pieces of merchandise, while the L.A. logo fits better with lifestyle items.

As for how each logo sold in the initial offering on Monday after the unveiling, Kirkham says both were well received merchandise-wise. He noted that the team is limited out of the gate because it doesn’t have licensing deals for the new logos with all the major retailers, but the Rams will “have a lot more product hitting the market” in the near future.

“We want to leverage both marks,” he said.

It’s possible that overwhelming fan reception could push the team to use one logo over the other. Rams COO Kevin Demoff suggested they’ll be listening to fan feedback if there’s one mark they like best.

Merchandise sales will likely be a determining factor in that, because after all, money talks.

Are the Rams subtly teasing their new color scheme for 2020?

The Rams appear to be sending tiny hints about their new color scheme for 2020.

When the Los Angeles Rams move to SoFi Stadium next season, they’ll do so with a refreshed look. Not only will they be getting new uniforms this year, but the helmets will be updated, the colors will change and the logo will look different.

That’s all been confirmed by Rams COO Kevin Demoff, which has fans both excited and anxious to see what their team will look like in 2020 and beyond.

A large contingent of fans wants the Rams to keep their throwback uniforms as the permanent ones, tweaking the away jerseys to match the blue and yellow color scheme. Others would like to see the team go back to the navy and white look from the early ‘70s.

While the Rams have only said the updates will honor the team’s history with a modern take, there have been no hints as to what the colors or uniforms will look like.

Or have there been?

Fans on Reddit and Twitter are convinced the Rams are subtly hinting that their new color scheme will be navy and yellow. Recently, the team has used more of those colors on social media, which has alerted some fans.

This tweet from the Rams celebrating the new year is particularly interesting, given the navy and yellow colors.

The same goes for this one.

Additionally, the Rams handed out rally towels for the upcoming SoFi Stadium, which featured – you guessed it – navy and yellow colors.

This Rams Nation account on Twitter has a keen eye toward it all, noticing the trend.

On the team’s website, there are other subtle hints at the navy and yellow color scheme. The banner for downloading the app features those colors.

The top banner that reads “One House. One Dream” also uses those colors. So does the link to buy tickets for 2020, as well as the team’s official podcast, “Ramblin’.”

When the Rams announced Torry Holt and Isaac Bruce as Hall of Fame finalists on Thursday, they used the same colors in the graphics. Again.

The team’s Instagram account is littered with navy and yellow accents, as well. The graphics made by the Rams all use those colors, like this one recognizing Tyler Higbee’s season.

The only graphics that don’t feature the darker blue color are the ones they’ve been using all year – like this one from September…

…which they recycled in December, since they were pre-made using clips from Media Day before the season.

Going to navy and yellow would make a lot of sense. It features colors from every era. The navy matches what the Rams wore in St. Louis, as well as the 1960s and early ‘70s. The yellow honors the teams from 1973-1999.

The Rams already wear navy helmets, too, which don’t even match their throwback uniform colors. A switch to navy jerseys would tie the uniform together better without having to change the helmet much at all.

Several others on Twitter are noticing this trend toward navy and blue, thanks to the Rams’ subtle hints.

It shouldn’t be very long before we find out if the Rams ultimately will switch to navy and yellow, but the colors used on social media seem to be more than just a coincidence.

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