Basketball brings protestors and police together

Stephania Ergemlidze brings her basketball hoop to Black Lives Matter protests in Philadelphia to help alleviate tensions between protestors and the police.

Stephania Ergemlidze brings her basketball hoop to Black Lives Matter protests in Philadelphia to help alleviate tensions between protestors and the police.

Malcolm Jenkins, Drew Brees’ teammate, says his comments on protests are ‘insensitive’

Malcolm Jenkins said Drew Brees is “part of the problem” if he doesn’t understand how hurtful his comments are.

Malcolm Jenkins said Drew Brees is “part of the problem” if he doesn’t understand how hurtful his comments are.

James Dolan takes heat for avoiding topic of America’s unrest

What I’m Hearing: USA TODAY Network’s Vincent Mercogliano discusses backlash that Knicks and Rangers owner James Dolan is receiving for his unwillingness to comment on the protests taking place across American in the wake of Georghe Floyd’s death.

What I’m Hearing: USA TODAY Network’s Vincent Mercogliano discusses backlash that Knicks and Rangers owner James Dolan is receiving for his unwillingness to comment on the protests taking place across American in the wake of Georghe Floyd’s death.

Anquan Boldin draws from experience as Americans protest for justice

What I’m Hearing: USA TODAY Sports’ Mike Jones recently spoke with Anquan Boldin, whose cousin was killed by a police officer in 2015, about the protests taking place across the country and where people should focus their attention in order to achieve real change.

What I’m Hearing: USA TODAY Sports’ Mike Jones recently spoke with Anquan Boldin, whose cousin was killed by a police officer in 2015, about the protests taking place across the country and where people should focus their attention in order to achieve real change.