PK Subban grossly body-shames with ‘Lizzo-sized lunch’ comment on ESPN

There’s no need for this.

If that headline up above looks familiar, it should.

We were JUST talking about how Hall of Famer Phil Esposito body-shamed a Maple Leafs fan during the first round of the NHL playoffs when he talked on-air about “a fat woman who’s yappin’ like crazy.”

Now? We’ve got ex-NHL defenseman PK Subban who, on the air with ESPN earlier in the week, commented that a team — I think it’s the Toronto Maple Leafs — maybe “need[s] to pack a Lizzo-sized lunch.”

C’mon. We absolutely don’t need that. Totally unnecessary. I haven’t seen an apology from Subban yet but I would hope there’s one coming soon.

NHL fans saluted P.K. Subban, Zdeno Chara, and Keith Yandle after the defensemen announced their retirements

A trio of powerhouse NHL defenseman all retired on Tuesday.

The NHL’s defensive landscape is going to look quite different for the 2022-23 season and beyond.

On Tuesday, P.K. Subban, Zdeno Chara, and Keith Yandle all announced their retirements from the sport of hockey. Through either a strange stroke of fate or a coordinated effort, hockey fans were quite surprised to see all three announce their retirements before 10 a.m. on a weekday morning.

Subban, Chara, and Yandle played a combined 3,977 NHL games (playoffs included) stretching back to 1997-98, when Chara played his rookie season with the New York Islanders. The three have accolades to spare, with Subban and Chara each winning a Norris Trophy in their careers while Yandle, as of September, is the NHL’s current Iron Man, having played the most consecutive games (989) in league history.

Times certainly are changing when three pillars of the NHL’s defensive corps all retire on the same day! Hockey fans made sure to salute Subban, Chara, and Yandle for their illustrious careers on social media after the announcements were made.

The 6 most intriguing NHL players exposed for the 2021 expansion draft

NHL teams left some surprising players exposed for the expansion draft.

The NHL expansion draft is drawing closer by the day, but we now have a clearer picture as to whom the Seattle Kraken will pick by midweek. The protection lists for all 30 participating NHL teams have been revealed, and there are some interesting names left off the list.

Given the depth of many NHL teams, this expansion draft was always going to be a difficult exercise for general managers across the league. Even still, there are a handful of names left exposed for the Kraken to pick up that are head-turners, whether they be players already on the way out or players who were once thought essential but are now expendable.

With that in mind, here are the six most intriguing NHL players left off protected lists ahead of the upcoming expansion draft.

P.K. Subban donates $50,000 to GoFundMe for George Floyd’s daughter

The NHL matches Subban’s donation.

P.K. Subban was one of the first NHL players who posted something about the killing of George Floyd last week.  On his Twitter feed, Subban shared an artist rendering of Floyd with the hashtag #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd.  It may not seem like a lot, but by the standards of NHL players it was a bold move.

Even though it lacked more substance, Subban made it clear where he stood on the death of yet another black man while he was in police custody. Though he hasn’t issued any kind of formal statement about Floyd, Subban is backing up his previous tweets with monetary action. On Wednesday afternoon, the New Jersey Devil announced he was donating $50,000 to the GoFundMe that’s been established for Floyd’s 6-year-old daughter, Gianna.

Under the hashtag #ChangeTheGame, Subban noted that the narrative around these events needs to change, and that he reached out to NHL commissioner Gary Bettman, who agreed to match the donation.

Subban is one of the few black players in the league, though he has never been a particularly political voice in or outside the locker room. In the past, Subban has said that he’d never take a knee to protest police brutality.  His foundation also runs the popular Blueline Buddies program, meant to foster connections between communities and police.

The sizable donation to Floyd’s daughter can be read merely as an act of empathy or a bold political statement. Either way, what can’t be denied is that Subban is taking action.

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Skier Lindsey Vonn proposes to New Jersey Devils defenseman P.K. Subban

The tables were turned around when Legendary skier Lindsey Vonn proposed to New Jersey Devils defenseman P.K. Subban on December 25th after dating for two years.

The tables were turned around when Legendary skier Lindsey Vonn proposed to New Jersey Devils defenseman P.K. Subban on December 25th after dating for two years.

Lindsey Vonn proposed to P.K. Subban on Christmas and he said yes

“Women aren’t the only ones who should get engagement rings!”

Legendary skier Lindsey Vonn and New Jersey Devils defenseman P.K. Subban had quite a Christmas that ended with them being engaged after dating for two years.

Vonn was the one doing the asking, as she gave Subban an engagement ring that they showed off on social media.

She tweeted on Wednesday afternoon: “Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!! On our 2 year anniversary, in a “non traditional” move, I asked PK to marry me and he said, Yes. Women aren’t the only ones who should get engagement rings! #MerryChristmas #equality.”

I think this “non traditional” move is pretty great. If you’re in love who gives a darn about who does the asking? Make the move and get the wheels in motion to have a rocking wedding… and an open bar, which is the key to any good wedding.

Here’s a picture of the happy couple and their awesome dogs:


P.K. Subban and Lindsey Vonn show us what real love is by firing hockey pucks at each other

We had Love and Basketball. Now we have Love and Hockey.

Nothing says “I love you” quite like allowing your fiancee to fire off hockey pucks at you. That’s how Lindsey Vonn and P.K. Subban spent their evening at a Red Bull event in New York City’s Bryant Park.

It feels like the event was less of an actual event and more of a date between the engaged couple, which is probably for the better. They were the only two on the park’s ice skating rink during the event and Subban put Vonn through stick drills on the ice. It turned into a pretty adorable scene.

First, they played a bit of bubble hockey.

Then, Subban put Vonn through some legit handling drills.

Then they fired pucks at each other. Trust falls are one thing, but imagine letting your fiancee shoot hockey pucks at you. That’s a different kind of love.

This is all a concept. First we had Love and Basketball. Now? Love and Hockey.