The GTA 6 trailer reactions are all over the place

The GTA 6 trailer reactions run the gamut of human expression – excitement, joy, sadness, and some even outrage over Rockstar’s new GTA game

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The GTA 6 trailer reactions run the gamut of human expression – excitement, joy, sadness, and of course, a little bit of outrage. Most fans were thrilled at seeing just 90 seconds of Rockstar’s new action game after waiting over a decade since GTA 5 launched. Some praised the graphics, which – assuming they’re from actual in-game footage – look like the first proper fulfillment of next-gen hardware’s promises. 

The latest GTA game even impressed LeBron James.

Some of his followers thought James had one specific moment of the trailer in mind.

Enhanced jiggle physics aside, GTA 6 is an impressive-looking video game on all fronts.

I’m extremely impressed with the whole game,” Rockstar enthusiast Ben, who goes by VideoTechUK on Twitter, said. “Initial expectations were high, but not like this. The trailer represents a new era of gaming we haven’t seen in the industry. This is going to be a very big, big game and very likely come above on par with RDR2 in every way.”


The fact that every NPC has unique clothes and appearances also stood out to fans on the GTA Reddit, along with how many buildings and people show up in any given scene – particularly impressive after Starfield‘s recycled character models and lack of built-up areas.

Every NPCs wearing different clothing
byu/zshaz inGTA

This is GTA, though, so to some fans, it just meant more people to run over in your stolen cars.

Every NPCs wearing different clothing
byu/zshaz inGTA

Others were excited over actually seeing a woman in the lead role. Sure, you could play as a woman in the original GTA, but it was hardly a story-driven, character-focused game like GTA 6 promises to be.

byu/Lonely-Freedom4986 from discussion

byu/Lonely-Freedom4986 from discussion

A handful of people naturally had a problem with Lucia, a Latina woman, taking center stage.

byu/Lonely-Freedom4986 from discussion

But engagement bait aside, the most common negative reactions were from people finding out GTA 6 won’t launch on PC and realizing they had to wait until 2025 to play on console

Why not just release the GTA 6 trailer in 2024 if it’s not coming out till 2025?
byu/Kinglokner16 inGTA

The lack of a PC release is hardly surprising. Rockstar’s PC ports always come later, usually as the team has to work on anti-cheat measures for the accompanying online components.

There was even a surprising number of touching posts where people paid respect to series fans who waited years for this moment, but died before it happened.

GTA 6 launches for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S sometime in 2025, assuming there aren’t any more delays or changes in direction.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

Rockstar releases GTA 6 trailer early after crypto leaks on Twitter

Rockstar bumped up the GTA 6 trailer release date a little early, after a crypto organization leaked the full thing on Twitter

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Rockstar bumped up the GTA 6 trailer release date a little early, after a crypto organization leaked the full thing on Twitter. The full GTA 6 trailer in all its 90-second glory is officially live now, without a giant crypto watermark, and you can watch it below.

The trailer doesn’t give a whole lot away for the action game, though it does confirm a few tidbits of information that leaked in 2022, the biggest of which is that there are, seemingly, two protagonists. One is a young woman recently released from jail who returns home and seems to have some kind of gang on her tail. The voice lines mention the jobs she and her partner in crime – and perhaps in life – are pulling off are life-and-death situations.

Elsewhere, we see plenty of gorgeous footage of Miami – or Vice City, which is basically the same thing – which also leaked as GTA 6’s setting before. There’s the harbor, a dense, hectic, bustling downtown with all the seediness and bright lights you’d expect from a GTA game, and even a trip through the Everglades or a similarly swampy locale on a fanboat. Gunshots, gators, getaway cars, steamy scenes of intimacy, brash vulgarity, and a really angry old lady in a nightgown – it’s the entire human experience crammed together in one short moment.

The only thing it’s missing is Phil Collins. Rockstar used Tom Petty’s “Love Is A Long Road” for the trailer song this time.

As for when you can dig into that slice of crime life for yourself, well, you’ll have a while to wait. Rockstar said GTA 6 is set to launch in 2025. Considering Take-Two predicts record-breaking profits in its upcoming fiscal year, which begins in April 2024, a release early in 2025 seems likely – assuming there aren’t any more delays.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

Rockstar slyly leaked the GTA 6 trailer date in a GTA Online shirt

It turns out we knew the GTA 6 trailer date several months ago thanks to a GTA Online event, but we just didn’t realize it

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It turns out we knew the GTA 6 trailer date several months ago thanks to a GTA Online event, but we just didn’t realize it. Rockstar gave out the shirt during an October event where players could get a shirt known just as the “??? Tee” if aliens abducted them, and it briefly showed up in June as well (thanks, VGC).

The shirt looks like a random string of numbers with some even more seemingly indecipherable symbols, but some keen fans did actually figure out what the numbers meant in June. They’re code for “OneDayWillRevealAll.” That seems pretty suitable for a drop from an alien conspiracy event, so most players just thought it was quirky and went about their business as usual without thinking it pointed to a new GTA game.

Some members on the GTA forums didn’t forget, though. They went back to find more clues in the shirt, and Twitter user _Dyllie shared their big discovery: 12523 – or, Dec. 5, 2023, the date of the GTA 6 trailer reveal. The number pattern Rockstar used even points to the trailer’s reveal time at 9 a.m.

It’s the kind of sneaky leak no one would ever guess, a string of random numbers with no significance unless you knew already that it was a date of importance.

Whether GTA Online is hosting any other GTA 6 secrets remains to be seen. Rockstar likes peppering Easter eggs and secrets in its games and reveals, though, so expect more tidbits and fantastical theories to start popping up on the forums after the first GTA 6 trailer goes live.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

GTA 6 trailer release date and where to watch

After teasing a GTA 6 trailer in November 2023, Rockstar finally announced when they’ll air the first look at the long-awaited action game.

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After teasing a GTA 6 trailer in November 2023, Rockstar finally announced when they’ll air the first look at the long-awaited action game. You can watch it on Dec. 5, 2023, at:

  • 9 a.m. ET
  • 6 a.m. PT
  • 2 p.m. GMT

The Twitter post where Rockstar announced the GTA 6 trailer didn’t include any links, so the trailer will likely air on Twitter or Rockstar’s website, or both.

“In 1998, Rockstar Games was founded on the idea that video games could come to be as essential to culture as any other form of entertainment, and we hope that we have created games you love in our efforts to be part of that evolution,” Rockstar said in the trailer announcement at the time. “Thanks to the incredible support of our players worldwide, we have had the opportunity to create games we are truly passionate about — without you, none of this would be possible, and we are so grateful to all of you for sharing this journey with us.”

Rockstar called it “GTA 6 Trailer 1,” so if you’re hoping for a shadow drop or a not-too-distant release date – don’t. Take-Two suggested it will release sometime in its next fiscal year, which starts in April 2024. A summer release seems likely, assuming there are no additional delays and development problems, but this is Rockstar, so it’s anyone’s guess.

Whatever the case, at least the trailer is a sign that progress is finally happening. Rumors about GTA 6 started swirling since GTA 5 launched in 2013, and unconfirmed reports suggested that the crime game underwent several changes during development, as Rockstar struggled to find a direction for it.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

Rockstar is putting classic GTA on Netflix Games soon

Rockstar is bringing the GTA Trilogy – Definitive Edition to Netflix Games soon, the biggest launch on Netflix’s platform yet

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Rockstar is bringing the GTA Trilogy – Definitive Edition to Netflix Games soon, the biggest launch on Netflix’s platform yet. The set of action games will launch on Dec. 14, 2023, on Netflix Games, and you can access it for free as part of your Netflix subscription without having to pay for add-ons, the same as with the other games Netflix offers.

The GTA Trilogy – Definitive Edition includes GTA: Vice City, GTA 3, and GTA San Andreas, and it launches with current updates, which means none of the game-breaking bugs that plagued the collection at launch in 2021 and, presumably, no new ones.

While we consider GTA San Andreas one of the best GTA games, all three in the collection influenced Rockstar’s action game series – and most other game developers – in some way. GTA 3 introduced the concept of an open-world sandbox, Vice City made it actually interesting, and San Andreas showcased how all of these ideas worked together at their best.

Netflix Games is no stranger to big hits, but games from the AAA scene aren’t a common sight. Indie gems including Hades, Oxenfree 2, Dead Cells, and some popular mobile games, tend to headline new arrivals more often. CNBC reported that fewer than one percent of Netflix subscribers actually played a game on the platform, though, so perhaps with this and the anticipation around Rockstar’s GTA 6 reveal, that might start to change.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

The best GTA games ranked from busted to most wanted

Our GTA games ranked list lays out what makes the best GTA games so good and where the open-world sandbox series from Rockstar falls flat.

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Going through a GTA games ranked list is a trip through nearly three decades of experiments, innovation, big ambition, and even bigger success. Rockstar’s genre-defining action game series had a rough beginning before it made the rest of the games industry sit up and take notice, and it influenced nearly every non-linear sandbox game afterward in some measure. Not every GTA game lived up to the reputation Rockstar created for itself, though, namely the portable spinoffs that saw GTA spinning its wheels instead of pushing ahead.

Take-Two on GTA 6: ‘It’s our job to be the most creative in the world’

Take-Two and Rockstar are finally unveiling the first GTA 6 trailer soon, but Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick is keeping expectations in check

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Take-Two and Rockstar are finally unveiling the first GTA 6 trailer soon, but Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick is keeping expectations in check. Zelnick told that while the company strives to be the best in all areas, he’s also not keen on setting outsized expectations – no matter how much fan interest there is.

“We don’t tend to set particular expectations for any future releases,” Zelnick said. “Our job is to be the most creative, the most innovative, and the most efficient entertainment company in the world.”

“All of our creative teams at all of our labels are trying to create perfection. And the result of that has been that we have 11 franchises that have each sold over five million units in individual releases, and that we have the largest and most diverse collection of owned intellectual property across mobile and console in the interactive entertainment business.”

Take-Two also expects GTA 6 to set a new benchmark for the next decade of entertainment, so there’s at least some measure of “setting particular expectations” in this case, at least. Granted, there’s pretty good reason for those expectations. Zelnick and Take-Two called Rockstar “nothing short of extraordinary” for defying the usual decay curve and managing to realize higher-than-expected revenue on old products, including GTA Online.

“It’s a result of that strategy and the extraordinary effort of our creative team that has led us now to become the No.2 pure play interactive entertainment company on earth,” he said.

Rockstar will debut the first GTA 6 trailer sometime in early December 2023, though there’s still no word as to when the sandbox game will release.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

Rockstar promises first GTA 6 trailer is coming soon

After years of waiting, bogus leaks, and one very big accidental leak, we’re finally getting a GTA 6 trailer in a matter of weeks

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After years of waiting, bogus leaks, and one very big accidental leak, we’re finally getting a GTA 6 trailer – and it’s coming in a matter of weeks. The first GTA 6 trailer will debut sometime in December 2023, possibly during The Game Awards. 

The news comes a few weeks after the internet collectively decided, without evidence, that Rockstar would debut a trailer in October and roughly a year after a huge GTA 6 leak showcased several minutes of incomplete gameplay. Rockstar co-founder Sam Houser made the announcement in a short statement on Twitter and the Rockstar website

“Next month marks the 25th anniversary of Rockstar Games,” Houser said in the statement. In 1998, Rockstar Games was founded on the idea that video games could come to be as essential to culture as any other form of entertainment, and we hope that we have created games you love in our efforts to be part of that evolution.”

“We are very excited to let you know that in early December, we will release the first trailer for the next Grand Theft Auto. We look forward to many more years of sharing these experiences with all of you.”

That’s all Houser said, but the fact that a GTA 6 trailer exists at all is something of a miracle in itself. The crime sandbox game reportedly went through several significant reboots as the team struggled to figure out a direction that worked for it – hence the long periods of silence.

If fan expectations are high, Publisher Take-Two has even higher hopes for the game. The company adjusted its financial outlook up for the next fiscal year and believes GTA 6 will set a “new benchmark” for entertainment in the years to come.

Rockstar is absorbing the GTA and Red Dead mod group CFX

The popular Red Dead Redemption and GTA mod platform CFX is now officially part of Rockstar games

The popular Red Dead Redemption and GTA mod platform CFX is now officially part of Rockstar games, the sandbox game maker announced in a statement. The moves comes after roughly a decade of CFX building and hosting an extensive network of servers for players to enjoy customized versions of Rockstar’s most popular games, including playing Red Dead Redemption 2 in multiplayer mode and teaming up for roleplaying in GTA 5

“Over the past few years, we’ve watched with excitement as Rockstar’s creative community have found new ways to expand the possibilities of Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2, particularly through the creation of dedicated roleplay servers,” Rockstar said in a statement. “As a way to further support those efforts, we recently expanded our policy on mods to officially include those made by the roleplay creative community.”

“By partnering with the team, we will help them find new ways to support this incredible community and improve the services they provide to their developers and players.”

So the short version is that you can expect to see official mod support and probably roleplaying servers in GTA Online in the coming months and GTA 6, whenever it launches (probably in 2024). Bethesda took a somewhat similar approach with Skyrim’s anniversary edition. While the team didn’t absorb any of the RPG’s creator groups, they did turn some of the most popular mods into official parts of the game.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

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Take-Two narrows the GTA 6 release date in earnings call

We still don’t have a GTA 6 release date, but publisher Take-Two narrowed down when we can expect the open-world game quite a bit

We still don’t have a GTA 6 release date, but publisher Take-Two narrowed down when we can expect the open-world game during its recent earnings call. Take-Two’s chief finance officer Lainie Goldstein said the 2025 fiscal year is set to be a record-breaking one for the company (thanks, Eurogamer).

“We are confident that the actions our teams are taking this year are preparing us for a strong trajectory of growth,” Goldstein said. “Through our collective efforts, we continue to believe that we are positioning our business for a significant inflection point in fiscal 2025 that will culminate in us delivering new record levels of operating performance next year and beyond.”

Take-Two’s 2025 fiscal year begins in April 2024 and ends the following March, so it seems increasingly likely that GTA 6 will launch in that timeframe, though whether it’ll be a summer or holiday release is anyone’s guess. Rockstar and Take-Two don’t really follow a pattern for releases, although their two most recent new games – GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 – both launched in October of their respective years.

GTA 6 likely won’t be Take-Two’s only major release, either. CEO Strauss Zelnick teased earlier in 2023 that the company would launch several “groundbreaking” games that would set new standards in the industry and push bookings – contracts with clients and customers – to the $8 billion mark.

For now, we’ll have to settle with the newly-announced Red Dead Redemption port for Switch and PS4, which Zelnick says is priced at the “commercially accurate” point of $50, despite having no updates from the PS3 version.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

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