La grosería que se coló en la transmisión de Nickelodeon durante el partido Niners-Cowboys

La NFL siempre tomó un poco de riesgo cuando firmó un contrato para transmitir el partido del fin de semana del Wild Card por Nickelodeon, y todos sabemos que hay micrófonos por todos lados. Pueden lanzar todo el slime que quieran por CGI, pero pues …

La NFL siempre tomó un poco de riesgo cuando firmó un contrato para transmitir el partido del fin de semana del Wild Card por Nickelodeon, y todos sabemos que hay micrófonos por todos lados. Pueden lanzar todo el slime que quieran por CGI, pero pues era obvio que una grosería iba a terminar colándose en la transmisión.

Justo eso pasó el año pasado durante el partido de los playoffs entre los Saints y los Bears que provocó una reacción simpatiquísima entre el personal de Nickelodeon. Bueno, pues este domingo se continuó con esta tradición.

A finales del segundo cuarto del partido para el Wild Card de la Conferencia Nacional entre los Niners y los Cowboys, un jugador (probablemente George Kittle) gritó una maldición lo suficientemente fuerte para que llegara a los micrófonos y la escucharan todos los niños que estaban viendo el partido por Nick.

Traducción: George Kittle lanzando una maldición en Nickelodeon.


Pareció que este año el personal de la transmisión no confirmó el lenguaje inapropiado, pero nosotros lo escuchamos. Todos lo escuchamos.

Seamos honestos, esto terminará por convertirse en una tradición anual del canal Nick, a menos que traten de silenciar activamente las groserías. Podemos volver a revisar esto el año que entra.


Artículo traducido por Ana Lucía Toledo

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Patrick Cantlay explains his epic F-bomb at Kapalua

We all heard Patrick Cantlay’s F-bomb at Kapalua clear as day but the story picked up by a hot mic didn’t make sense to viewers. Until now.

It seems like a lifetime ago and not just January that PGA Tour pro Patrick Cantlay broke up a sleepy Friday night broadcast of the Hyundai Tournament of Champions with an audible F-bomb that woke some viewers out of their slumber going, “Did he just say what I think he just said?”

After a rewind of the DVR, yes, in fact, he did.

If you were wondering the back story behind Cantlay’s F-bomb that was picked up by a hot microphone during Golf Channel’s coverage from Hawaii, Cantlay finally filled in the blanks earlier this week.

Speaking on the No Laying Up podcast, Cantlay recounted how during a long wait on the 17th tee at Kapalua’s Plantation Course, fellow competitor Jon Rahm and caddie Adam Hayes observed that the wildly erratic weather conditions during the round — which included heavy rain at times — were reminiscent of the storm during the final round of the 2019 Open Championship at Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland.

Cantlay had finished before the heavy stuff came down and Shane Lowry won in a cakewalk, but Rahm wasn’t so lucky. A rules official warned his group that it had to continue playing as there was no lightning in the area that would force a suspension of play.

“I was adding to the story that this rules official was probably waiting his whole life to tell these spoiled-brat tour pros to play,” Cantlay said. “That was his moment at the British Open on Sunday and he was going to be like pumped to get up in your ear and be like, ‘Hey, guys, get going.’ ”

Only in real-time as Golf Channel came back from a commercial break, Cantlay can be heard saying clear as day, “I’ve been waiting for this weather for 40 years. These pampered f$#%s need to play.”

“That’s my fault. I’ve got to be better at that,” Cantlay said. “It was a funny moment.”

Then he added one of the more memorable lines of the golf season when he said to his caddie, Matt Minister, “Two more holes and we can get a Mai Tai.”

“I’ll get my Mai Tai; you can get your water,” Minister replied.

“Don’t spoil it for me,” Cantlay said.

Allow Cantlay to set the record straight here as well: “I was kind of making a joke to my caddie before I hit my tee shot that, man, we need to go get a drink after this (long round). You’re going to need a Mai Tai after carrying this bag up this mountain all day,” Cantlay explained.

And then he confirmed what made the line even funnier: “I don’t really drink during tournament weeks.”

It was both a colorful and off-color exchange and now it all makes sense. What was left unasked, however, was how much Cantlay was fined for his “conduct unbecoming.” That, we just may never know, but it all goes to a good charitable cause, so Cantlay’s got that going for him, which is nice.

You can listen to the full podcast here.

Tiger Woods drops ‘f-bomb’ in radio interview talking about plans post-retirement

In an Australian radio interview promoting the Presidents Cup, Tiger Woods was asked about his plans post retirement.

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Tiger’s feeling loose ahead of the Presidents Cup.

In an interview Tuesday with Triple M’s “Hot Breakfast,” an Australian radio show, Tiger Woods was asked what he plans to do after he retires and if he had any tips for struggling golfers.

In regard to his plans after retirement, Woods said he plans to spend as much time outside as possible.

“For me, it’ll be simple,” Woods said. “I love spearfishing. I love being in the water, I love hunting. I like going on hunting trips, fishing trips and diving trip so to me, just being out in nature is the (expletive) ultimate best.”

PRESIDENTS CUP: Meet Team USA and the International Team

The f-bomb drew a surprised, wide-eyed reaction from both talk show hosts, Wil Anderson and Luke Darcy.

“I don’t like being around a lot of people in that regard,” Woods continued. “I like to be out in nature because that’s what I grew up, that’s what I do, golf is always out in nature so for me, that’s the ultimate best.”


As for when retirement might be, Woods didn’t say when, but the 43-year-old did say there’s one advantage to playing into his 50s.

“I think the golden carrot of getting out there when I’m 50 is getting a cart, right?” Woods said, which was met by laughter from Anderson and Darcy.

Woods, who recorded his 82nd PGA Tour victory at the Zozo Championship in October, was also asked in the interview if he had any advice for new or struggling golfers. The 15-time major winner encouraged golfers to start small.

“To get better, I would say more than anything try to make little swings and build up, make bigger swings but hit the ball in the middle of the face,” Woods said. “That’s something I stress with every single junior golfer and every amateur, start with a little pitch shot 10 yards, and then 20, 30. Work your way out and try to hit the ball in the middle of the face.

“If you can find the middle of the face consistently, your game is going to improve by so many shots, you’re going to enjoy the game so much more, but if you can’t find the middle of the face it’s going to be quite frustrating, and this game is frustrating enough.”

The entire interview with Woods including his thoughts on the Presidents Cup at Royal Melbourne can be heard below.

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