To mark the 30th year of owning the …

To mark the 30th year of owning the Orlando Magic, the DeVos family will give $3 million to 30 Central Florida charities, aiming to improve life particularly for children and low-income families, Orlando Magic Chairman Dan DeVos announced Tuesday. The money, to be awarded over the next 18 months, also comes with a spotlight — each recipient will be honored at a Magic game this season or next and featured on the Magic’s various digital platforms.

Dan DeVos said the organizations …

Dan DeVos said the organizations getting a share of the $3 million have yet to be identified — with the exception of the first grant, which will go to the Orlando Magic Youth Foundation. That foundation, whose directors include some members of the DeVos family, has awarded its own yearly grants, totaling more than $26 million since 1990. The youth foundation will help the DeVos family select the other 29 recipients, Dan DeVos said. There will be no application process.

So far towards this election, Trump …

So far towards this election, Trump only has four NBA donors, all members of ownership groups. The highest of those donations is $5,600 from Orlando Magic chairman Dan DeVos, a name that might sound familiar as Betsy Devos, Dan’s sister-in-law, is Trump’s Secretary of Education. Other NBA donations for Trump thus far are $2,800 Indiana Pacers vice-chairman James Morris, $200 from Houston Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta and $318.75 from Los Angeles Lakers part-owner James Buss. In total, Trump has raised $8,918.75 from NBA donors.