Cobra Darkspeed, Darkspeed One-Length hybrids

The Cobra Darkspeed and Darkspeed One-Length hybrids are designed to take the place of long irons.

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Gear: Cobra Darkspeed, Darkspeed One-Length hybrids
Price: $279 with KBS PGI 85 shaft and Lamkin Crossline grip
Specs: 17-4 stainless steel body with 475 stainless steel face with adjustable hosel. Variable length in 2H (17 degrees), 3H (19 degrees), 4H (21 degrees), 5H (24 degrees), 6H (28 degrees). One-Length in 3H (19 degrees), 4H (21 degrees), 5H through custom order (24 degrees)
Available: January 11 (pre-sale), January 19 (in-stores)

Who It’s For: Golfers who want more ball speed and distance in a long-iron alternative. 

The Skinny: The Cobra Darkspeed and Darkspeed One-Length hybrids are designed to take the place of long irons and make it easier for every golfer to hit higher, longer approach shots.

The Deep Dive: Some golfers who reluctantly hand over their longest iron and buy a hybrid still demand a short blade length and the ability to shape shots. For them, Cobra offers the King TEC hybrid, a control-oriented club that has three moveable weights.

Most recreational golfers, however, ditch their long irons and buy hybrids to make the game easier, to hit the ball farther and get it higher in the air so it stops faster on the green. For these players, Cobra is now offering the Darkspeed hybrids.

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Cobra Darkspeed hybrid
The Cobra Darkspeed hybrid. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

Like the Darkspeed fairway woods, the Darkspeed hybrids feature a 475 stainless steel PWRShell face that wraps under the leading edge to enhance performance on low-struck shots. The inner-facing side of the hitting area has been studied and designed by computers that broke it into 15 regions. The system then modified the thickness of each area so it produces the most possible ball speed.

Cobra Darkspeed hybrid
Computers divided the H.O.T. Face into regions and them adjusted the thickness of each area to maximize ball speed. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

Inside the Darkspeed hybrids, Cobra added an internal PWR Bridge bar that extends from the heel to the toe area. The bar lowers the center of gravity (CG) location, as does the 12-gram weight in the center of the sole. The result should be higher-flying shots that come down more vertically and stop faster on the green.

Cobra Darkspeed hybrid
The Darkspeed and Darkspeed One-Length have matte-black, anti-glare crowns. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

In addition to the standard Darkspeed hybrid, Cobra is offering a One-Length version of the club. Each One-Length hybrid comes standard at 37.25 inches in length, like a typical 7-iron.

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Cobra Aerojet, Aerojet One Length hybrids

Aerojet hybrids have an internal weight to optimize the center of gravity for increased ball speed, lower spin rates and more distance.

Gear: Cobra Aerojet, Aerojet One Length hybrids
Price: $279 with KBS PGi graphite shaft and Lamkin Crossline grips.
Specs: Stainless steel body and face with internal steel weight bar and adjustable hose. Lofts – hybrid (available in 2H (17 degrees), 3H (19 degrees), 4H (21 degrees) 5H (24 degrees) and 6H (28 degrees); ONE Length in 3H (19 degrees), 4H (21 degrees), 5H (24 degrees)
Available: February 10

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Who It’s For: Golfers looking for more ball speed and distance off the tee and from the fairway.

The Skinny: Designed to match the Aerojet drivers and fairway woods, the Aerojet has an internal weight to optimize the center of gravity location for increased ball speed, lower spin rates and more distance.

The Deep Dive: What most recreational golfers want from their hybrids is everything they don’t get from long irons, like distance, height, forgiveness and versatility. A touch of iron-style workability would be nice too. Cobra’s new Aerojet hybrids have been designed to provide those things in a wide variety of lofts.

With a classic look in the address position, the Aerojet hybrids are a fairway wood-style club with a unique internal weighting system. Designers added a steel bar that runs from the heel to the toe area, behind the face, that Cobra calls a PWR Bridge. The bar, which weighs 75 grams, lowers the center of gravity location and pulls it more forward, which helps to increase ball speed and make the head more resistant to twisting on off-center hits.

Cobra Aerojet hybrids
Cobra Aerojet hybrids have an internal bar that lowers the center of gravity. (Cobra)

Cobra also designed the Aerojet hybrids with a forged, stainless steel PWRShell face. Using artificial intelligence, Cobra engineers created 15 independent zones in the hitting area, then directed the computer to run simulations and reveal how thick and thin each of those areas should be to maximize ball speed not only in the middle but also in the perimeter. The result is more distance on your best shots and more ball-speed protection when you mis-hit. The face’s L-shape, which wraps under the leading edge, helps the face flex more efficiently on thin shots.

In addition to the variable length Aerojet hybrids, Cobra also offers One Length Aerojet hybrids that are all the same length as a typical 7-iron (37.25 inches). While the clubs are shorter than traditional-length hybrids, many golfers find they make solid contact more often with a shorter-length club, so while they may lose a little clubhead speed, they increase consistency and do not sacrifice distance.

Cobra King Speedzone hybrids

The Speedzone hybrids are designed to hit higher-flying shots and help golfers get more distance off the tee, from the turf and in the sand.

Gear: Cobra King Speedzone hybrids
Price: $229 with UST Recoil 480 ESX shafts and Lamkin Crossline Connect grips
Specs: Stainless steel body with tungsten weight. 2H (17 degrees), 3H (19 degrees), 4H (21 degrees) and 5H (24 degrees)
Available: Jan. 17, 2020

To complement the new Cobra King Speedback drivers and fairway woods, the company created a line of hybrids to provide more distance and forgiveness.

The King Speedzone hybrids have the same Hollow Split Rail technology found in the King Speedzone fairway woods. A pair of rails on the sole run from the leading edge to the back of the head, but unlike previously released railed hybrids, the front area was left hollow. Cobra said the advantage is the lower portion of the hitting area can flex more effectively at impact because there is less mass behind the leading edge, so the clubs can create more ball speed on shots struck low in the hitting area.

Cobra Cobra King Speedzone hybrids
The look at address is clean, but technologies on the sole will help golfers improve their consistency. (Cobra)

At the same time, the rails encourage the King Speedzone hybrids to skim across the turf, through rough and over sand without digging or slowing down through impact.

A 12-gram tungsten weight in the back of the head helps lower the center of gravity and pull it away from the face, which should encourage shots with higher launch and that come down more vertically to stop faster on the greens.

Cobra King Speedzone One Length hybrids
Cobra King Speedzone One Length hybrids (Cobra)

Cobra also made the King Speedzone hybrids in One Length versions, with 19-, 21- and 24-degree clubs that are 37.25 inches long, the typical length of a 7-iron. That is significantly shorter than most iron-replacing hybrids, which tend to measure between 39 and 41 inches. Cobra said many players improve their quality of strike with shorter clubs, which offsets a slightly slower swing. As a result, many golfers who try One Length clubs find they don’t lose distance, and their consistency and accuracy improve.