Check out photos of the new Titleist, Callaway equipment at the PGA Tour’s The Sentry

The pros are debuting new clubs this week.

A new year means plenty of new gear on the PGA Tour.

The Sentry, the season-opening event at Kapalua’s Plantation Course in Maui, Hawaii, is well underway, and it has also given golfers their first chance to show off clubs not even released to the public yet.

Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai drivers and Titleist SM10 wedges were among the clubs on display in the first PGA Tour event of the year, with numerous players having the new big stick or wedges in their bag.

The Paradym Smoke Ai drivers will be available to the public on Feb. 2.

Here’s a look at some photos of the new equipment being played on the PGA Tour this week. Additionally, the SM10 wedges should be released during the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando beginning on Jan. 23.

Here’s a look at some of the new clubs being used on the PGA Tour this week.

Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max, Triple Diamond, Max D, Max Fast drivers

Studying thousands of shots from real golfers helped Callaway design the Paradym Ai Smoke drivers

Gear: Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max, Paradym Ai Smoke Max D, Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond, Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast drivers
Price: $599.99 with Project X Cypher 2.0 shaft, Project X Denali Black shaft or Mitsubishi Tensei AV Blue shaft and Golf Pride Tour Velvet 360 grip
Specs: Forged titanium face and chassis with carbon fiber crown, carbon fiber sole and adjustable hosels for most of the models
Available: Feb. 2, but available via pre-order NOW

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”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”][/anyclip-media]

Who They’re For: Golfers who want more ball speed and forgiveness on mis-hit drives.

The Skinny: After studying hundreds of thousands of shots, Callaway designers used artificial intelligence to create different faces for each of the four Paradym Ai Smoke drivers so they are optimized to enhance distance and protect ball speed. 

The Deep Dive: Callaway purchased its first supercomputer in 2009, back when A.I. stood for Allen Iverson and no one had ever heard of ChatGPT. By 2016, engineers were using it to study impact dynamics, develop prototype iron faces and more. In 2019 the Epic Flash driver was released with a hitting area designed using artificial intelligence. More woods and irons followed, but there was a shortcoming with the data used by the computers in developing those clubs: It was collected with the help of swing robots, and robots don’t play golf. 

So Callaway captured swing data on more than 250,000 real players’ swings and collected over a million data points to create a dataset the supercomputers could use to develop the Paradym Ai Smoke Max, Ai Smoke Max D, Ai Smoke Triple Diamond and Ai Smoke Max Fast drivers.

By instructing the supercomputers to study how real golfers of various abilities swing and hit the ball, then directing the system to create faces that maximize performance for fast-swinging players, golfers who tend to slice the ball, slower-swinging players and golfers who need extra forgiveness, Callaway developed different faces that are optimized for various players in the four Paradym Ai Smoke drivers.

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Each has a unique series of thick and thin areas in different places, creating what Callaway refers to as microdeflections, and they act like tiny sweet spots. The result is enhanced face performance for specific players.

Callaway said that thanks to the microdeflections and customized faces, the standard Paradym Ai Smoke Max is 12 yards longer on mishits in the toe, 11 yards longer in the heel and 9 yards longer on shots hit high in the middle of the face over last season’s Paradym.

Like last season’s Paradym drivers, the Paradym Ai Smoke drivers feature a forged fiber crown that wraps around the toe and heel areas and forms the sole, removing significant weight from the middle of the head. Most of the models also come with adjustable hosels that allows players and fitters to increase or decrease the loft by as many as 1.5 degrees and make the lie angle flatter or more upright.

The Paradym Ai Smoke Max likely will fit the broadest number of players and is the only Smoke driver with a sliding weight in the back of the head. The 14-gram weight allows golfers and fitters to shift the center of gravity to create a draw or fade bias. The Smoke Max also has a weight behind the leading edge in the sole, allowing fitters to increase or decrease the club’s swing weight. It is available in 9-degree, 10.5-degree and 12-degree versions.

The Paradym Ai Smoke Max D comes in the same lofts but lacks the moveable weight found in the standard Smoke Max. However, this club has a significant draw bias to help golfers who tend to swing from out to in and hit the ball with an open face. The Paradym Ai Smoke Max D can’t cure a slice, but its center of gravity location can decrease the severity of the shot’s curvature, resulting in straighter shots that fly farther.

The Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond has a forward weight and a back weight in the sole and comes in 8-degree, 9-degree and 10.5-degree heads. With the heavier weight forward, it has the most forward center of gravity in the A.I. Smoke family, resulting in shots with the lowest spin and launch angle. This likely will be the most popular Paradym A.I. Smoke driver on the PGA Tour.

Finally, the Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast, which replaces the Paradym Star driver, only comes in 10.5-degree and 12-degree versions. It has been made for slower-swinging golfers who need to maximize carry distance and spin to increase overall distance. It comes standard with lighter components, such as a 40-gram Mitsubishi Tensei Silver shaft and Winn Dri-Tac Lite grip. To save weight from the upper portion of the head, Callaway opted to design the Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast driver with a bonded hosel instead of an adjustable hosel.

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[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max D driver” link=”″]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond driver” link=””]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast driver” link=””]

Check out the following images of the Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke drivers.


Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke, Ai Smoke HL, Ai Smoke Max Fast irons

Moderate and slower-swinging golfers will benefit from the Paradym Ai Smoke’s fast faces and low centers of gravity.

Gear: Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke, Ai Smoke HL, Ai Smoke Max Fast irons
Price: $999.99 (seven clubs) with True Temper Elevate steel shafts and Lamkin Crossline grips; $1,099.99 with Project X Cypher 2.0, Mitsubishi Tensei Blue White or Eldio graphite shafts
Specs: Hollow-bodied stainless steel iron
Available: Feb. 2, but available via pre-order NOW

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”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”][/anyclip-media]

Who They’re For: Golfers who want a distance-oriented, game-improvement iron that launches the ball high.

The Skinny: Callaway designers used artificial intelligence to design iron faces for the Paradym Ai Smoke and Ai Smoke HL irons to deliver enhanced ball speed for moderate-swinging players and more distance and height for slower-swinging players. 

The Deep Dive: Jon Rahm has no trouble generating distance with his Callaway irons because the 2023 Masters champion has a powerful, repeatable swing. Time and again, he hits the center of the face. However, recreational golfers who shoot in the mid-80s and 90s tend to swing more slowly. They often hit the ground first instead of the ball and make contact all over the face. On some shots they hit it in the center, but they are just as likely to strike the ball near the toe or in the heel.

Callaway’s new Paradym Ai Smoke irons are not for Jon Rahm. They’re game-improvement irons designed to help golfers overcome shortcomings and inconsistencies.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke irons” link=””]

To make that happen, Callaway designers used supercomputers to study hundreds of thousands of swings of actual golfers to see how they hit shots. Using that data, the supercomputers employ artificial intelligence to create thousands of iron faces and simulate how they would perform in the real world. All those faces look the same on the outside, but the inner-facing sides are covered with thick and thin areas that act like miniature sweet spots.

That work resulted in the faces designed into the Paradym Ai Smoke irons. Attached to the hollow-body chassis of each iron, the faces flex more efficiently at impact to generate more ball speed on every shot and tighten the dispersion pattern.

There are three different Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke irons: the standard model, HL and Max Fast.

Callaway believes most golfers who need a game-improvement iron and who have a driver swing speed between 85 and 100 mph will find the standard Ai Smoke iron fits them well. While the standard Paradym irons will remain available in 2024, the Paradym Ai Smoke will replace the Rouge ST Max irons.

Callaway offers the Paradym Ai Smoke HL, which stands for high launch, for golfers who need more height and lift on their shots. The face design and low center of gravity combine with weaker lofts in this iron to make getting the ball high in the air easier, especially with the long irons. While the Paradym Ai Smoke’s 5-iron has 22 degrees of loft, the 5-iron in the HL version has 24 degrees of loft. Callaway believes this club should be ideal for golfers with a driver swing between 70 and 90 mph.

Finally, Callaway is offering the Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast, which has been optimized for golfers who have a driver swing that is slower than 75 mph. These irons have the same weakened lofts as the HL irons, but the Max Fast irons come standard with lighter shafts and grips, which should make it easier to create more clubhead speed and carry distance.

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[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke HL irons” link=”″]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast irons” link=””]

Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke fairway woods

Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke fairway woods are for people who want more distance off the tee and from the fairway with ball-speed protection on mis-hits.

Gear: Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke fairway woods
Price: $349.99 with Project X Cypher 2.0 shaft, Project X Denali Black shaft or Mitsubishi Tensei AV Blue shaft and Golf Pride Tour Velvet 360 grip
Specs: Forged stainless steel face and body with carbon fiber crown and adjustable hosel
Available: Feb. 2, but available via pre-order NOW

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”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”][/anyclip-media]

Who They’re For: Golfers who want more distance off the tee and from the fairway, plus ball-speed protection on mis-hits.

The Skinny: Using artificial intelligence, Callaway created different faces for each of the four Paradym Ai Smoke fairway woods so they are optimized to enhance distance and protect ball speed for specific types of players. 

The Deep Dive: Fairway woods can be the most challenging clubs to design because engineers need to deliver the ideal flight and desired distance both off the tee and on shots hit off the turf. It’s not easy.

In the four Paradym Ai Smoke fairway woods, Callaway studied thousands of swings made by a wide variety of golfers and developed unique “Swing Codes,” mapping where players of different abilities make contact on the face.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke fairway woods” link=””]

As you would suspect, accomplished golfers found the center of the hitting area often and delivered the club to the ball on a neutral path, while mid- and higher-handicap players made contact all over the face and tended to swing from out to in. Callaway also observed that many players who struggle to make solid, consistent contact tend to have a steep angle of attack into the ball. At the same time, accomplished golfers only swing down slightly as they hit fairway woods.

So Callaway utilized artificial intelligence to optimize performance for different players. Engineers instructed supercomputers to virtually design and test thousands of faces to reveal which could deliver a blend of distance and ball-speed protection on mis-hits for different types of players. The result is four faces, each with unique thick and thin areas, that are now in the four Paradym Ai Smoke fairway woods.

The standard Paradym Ai Smoke Max fairway wood will be available as a 3-wood, 3HL, 5-wood, Heavenwood, 7-wood, 9-wood and 11-wood. It has a carbon fiber crown to reduce weight on the club’s top and help lower the center of gravity. Removing a pair of stainless steel reinforcing beams from the sole that were present in the original Paradym Max fairway woods saved another 24 grams of weight.

For fast-swinging players and golfers who generate excessive spin, Callaway designed the Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond – available as a 3-, 5- and 7-wood – with a forward center of gravity that increases ball speed, reduces spin and helps produce a more piercing ball flight. The Triple Diamond is smaller than the other Paradym Ai Smoke fairway woods. Callaway designed it with a stainless steel sole instead of a carbon fiber sole because the weight saved by going with carbon fiber would be minimal.

For golfers who tend to slice the ball, Callaway offers the Paradym Ai Smoke Max D, a draw-biased fairway wood that comes as a 3-, 3HL, 5- and 7-wood.

Callaway also offers the Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast, which comes standard with a lighter shaft and grip and is available as a 3-, 5-, 7- and 9-wood for players who struggle to generate speed and distance.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Paradym Ai Smoke fairway wood” link=””]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond fairway wood” link=”*”]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Paradym Ai Smoke Max D fairway wood” link=””]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast fairway wood” link=””]

Check out several images of the Paradym Ai Smoke fairway woods below.

Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke hybrids

Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke hybrids are for golfers who want more distance and height in a fairway wood-style, long-iron replacement

Gear: Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke hybrids
Price: $279.99 with Project X Cypher 2.0 or Mitsubishi Tensei Blue White shafts and Winn Dri-Tac 2.0 grip
Specs: Forged stainless steel face and body with carbon fiber crown and adjustable hosel
Available: Feb. 2, but available via pre-order NOW

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”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”][/anyclip-media]

Who They’re For: Golfers who want more distance and height in a fairway wood-style, long-iron replacement.

The Skinny: With three models designed to fit golfers with different swing speeds, the A.I. Smoke hybrids are made to be long off the tee and from the turf while being forgiving for players who make inconsistent contact.  

The Deep Dive: Todd Hamilton won the 2004 British Open twenty years ago thanks to creatively using a hybrid club from the fairways and around the greens at Royal Troon. He proved that even elite golfers can benefit from the distance, forgiveness and versatility of hybrids.

Today, even in the bags of a top-10 player, hybrid clubs don’t get a second glance. They have become so accepted among recreational golfers that most game-improvement iron sets now start at 4-iron or 5-iron, with manufacturers knowing golfers who shoot in the 80s, 90s and above have no interest in struggling with long irons.

Callaway’s new Paradym Ai Smoke hybrids blend forgiving shapes with distance-enhancing faces and multi-material constructions to give players at different swing speeds more choices when it comes to long-iron replacements.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke hybrids” link=”″]

Hybrids designed for accomplished golfers tend to have compact heads and iron-style hitting areas, but the Paradym Ai Smoke hybrids are larger and resemble miniature fairway woods. Their size and shape are meant to reassure mid- and higher-handicap golfers.

Like the Paradym Ai Smoke drivers and fairway woods, the hybrids feature faces designed using artificial intelligence. Supercomputers were tasked with studying thousands of swings made by real golfers of various abilities and then making faces that can improve the performance and consistency of different players. The faces look ordinary on the outside, but the inner-facing side is covered with ridges, valleys and wave-like areas. The computers developed different face patterns for each of the three Paradym Ai Smoke hybrids because they have been made with different player types in mind.

Behind the leading edge in the sole, Callaway designers have added a tungsten weight shaped like a boomerang. The company refers to it as a Speed Cartridge, which helps pull the center of gravity down and forward. That should encourage a higher launch with less spin, which, for most golfers, translates to more distance.

To help players and fitters fine-tune the gaps between the Paradym Ai Smoke hybrids and their other clubs, each comes standard with an adjustable, two-cog OptiFit hosel that can increase or decrease the stated loft by as many as 2 degrees. The lie angle also can be adjusted using the hosel.

Golfers who hit their 7-iron 150 yards or farther will likely be happy with the standard Paradym Ai Smoke hybrids, which will be available as a 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-iron replacements.

Players who hit a 7-iron between 135 and 150 yards (and likely swinging a little slower) could be ideally suited for the Paradym Ai Smoke HL hybrids. The HL stands for high launch, and these hybrids have been made with faces designed to produce more lift and a higher apex. The Paradym Ai Smoke HL hybrids will be available in 3-iron through 8-iron replacement.

Finally, for golfers who need help generating clubhead speed and who hit their 7-iron less than 135 yards, Callaway is offering the Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast hybrids. These clubs will be offered as a 4-iron through 8-iron and come standard with a lighter shaft and grip so golfers can swing them faster.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke hybrid” link=”″]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast hybrid” link=””]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke HL hybrid” link=””]

Below are images of the Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke hybrids.