Michael Rubin’s super-rich Fourth of July party actually just looked like a terrible cookout

This had to be the worst 4th of July cookout ever.

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Somehow, yesterday on the Fourth of July, Joey Chestnut eating a quite literally unhealthy amount of hot dogs in 10 minutes wasn’t the most disgusting thing we saw on the internet.

If you logged on during the holiday, you probably saw the all-white party Fanatics CEO Michael Rubin threw in the Hamptons. The video is circulating everywhere on the internet right now.

There were so many celebrities. JAY-Z and Beyoncé, all the Kardashians and Jenners, Usher, Tom Brady, James Harden, Joel Embiid … really the entire Philadelphia 76ers team. Pick a name out of a celebrity influencer hat and that person was probably at the party.

And it was probably cool for our celebrity overlords. But, look: I’m just going to say it. Either this party was an elaborate rouse to bring James Harden back to Philadelphia, or it was just…not a good party. At least as far as Fourth of July parties go. This joint looked trash. There. I said it.

SOMEHOW RELATED: 7 wild James Harden trades according to the NBA trade machine.

Maybe I’m being a bit harsh. But I’m not just hating because I didn’t get an invite. My net worth isn’t even close to being able to go to something like this.

I’m just saying, man. There were hundreds of billions of dollars in net worth frolicking around and nobody thought “Yo, maybe we should pay somebody to grill?” Y’all couldn’t call anybody, Michael Rubin?

The only edible thing I saw in that video was a cake. CAKE. On the 4th of July. This is one of those holidays where eating meat is basically a requirement (if you eat meat). And all they had in that video was a cake. Yes, that’s the third time I’ve mentioned the cake. But I really need y’all to understand how big of a violation this is.

It’s the July 4th, man. I know Joey Chestnut ate all the hot dogs we had left in America, but couldn’t somebody have brought some ribs? It takes 10 minutes to whip up a cheeseburger. Michael Rubin could’ve put SOMEBODY on slider duty.

But nope. Nobody had a speck of ketchup or barbeque sauce on their clothes. There wasn’t anybody with an apron on in some Jesus sandals next to a burning fire. At least they had fireworks, I guess? But bruh. Come on. Not a single one of y’all was hungry? I don’t get it.

Maybe when you’re that rich you don’t feed off of food anymore. Maybe it’s just the money that keeps one satiated. If that’s the case, though, I think I’ll just stay a broke boy for the rest of my life.

I love cheeseburgers too much for that.

Quick Hits: David Bednar seems like a great guy…David Ross seems like a mad one…and more

(Photo by Megan Briggs/Getty Images)

— David Bednar gave Clayton Kershaw this classy gesture after being announced as his All-Star game replacement. Charles Curtis has more.

— I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone get as mad as David Ross did here about having a roof over their head.

— Our Mary Clarke has you covered on NHL free agency with the best remaining players on the market.

Here’s why fans eat cream and strawberries together at Wimbledon. Yes, that’s a thing.

Celebrate the Fourth of July at the country’s most beautiful places

Enjoy the great outdoors.

Fireworks, block parties, and barbecuing are essential Fourth of July activities for many communities throughout the United States. While nothing beats the feel-good fun of these traditional celebrations, sometimes outdoorsy folks want to shake up their holiday schedules. If you want to get active this Fourth of July, try going on an adventure at some of the country’s most beautiful places.

Outdoors Wire is no stranger to covering stunning destinations. In the U.S., there are seemingly endless hidden gems to explore. Kayakers can paddle across scenic rivers, hikers can trek through colorful canyons, and astronomers can gaze up at the stars. This Fourth of July, choose your own adventure with this round-up of 10 travel guides that show off America’s beauty.

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July 4th golf apparel: Celebrate Independence Day with red, white and blue golf clothing

Check out these red, white and blue golf items to celebrate Independence Day.

Fourth of July is quickly approaching and Golfweek has rounded up some red, white and blue themed items to help show your spirit.

If you are looking to trade in your BBQ apron for golf clubs and would rather have a hot dog at the turn, a red, white and blue polo would complement your love for the game perfectly. Take a look at styles from your favorite brands to help celebrate Independence Day.

We occasionally recommend interesting products, services, and gaming opportunities. If you make a purchase by clicking one of the links, we may earn an affiliate fee. Golfweek operates independently, though, and this doesn’t influence our coverage

These videos of a billion fireworks being shot off in Los Angeles are absolutely wild


The city of Los Angeles, like many cities across the country, cancelled all the annual fireworks displays that usually light up the sky on the 4th of July. With coronavirus numbers spiking just about everywhere, getting large groups of people together just isn’t the smart thing to do.

So did that mean there weren’t any fireworks shot off in the city last night? No, of course not.

Instead of professional firework shows there were about a billion (give or take) illegal fireworks shot into the sky by normal people who were looking to have some fun.

And it was absolutely bananas. Check out these videos:

I mean, that looks like it was CGI’d or something. But nope, it was real and it was spectacular.

It was illegal, too, but whatever. It’s the 4th of July and we’ve been through some stuff the past four months or so.

Hopefully this puts an end to fireworks in LA for a while, though, because they have been going off every night for like the past month and we are over the nightly noises!

But last night was cool.

Happy 4th of July!

From the Fighting Irish Wire family, have a great 4th of July!

From the Irish Wire Family, we would love to wish you a happy 4th of July!

Enjoy yourselves today, stay safe if you’re using fireworks and most of all, Go Irish!