Sean Payton’s social distancing strategy? Pretend that ‘everyone’s got a hand grenade’

New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton says he’s feeling better almost a week after receiving a positive coronavirus diagnosis.

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It’s been nearly a week since New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton received a positive diagnosis for the novel coronavirus spreading throughout the nation, but he says he’s feeling better. Payton has hunkered down at home and remained careful to avoid other people, which would put them at risk of catching the infection. He talked about his experience and ways he and others could do a better job of protecting their communities during an interview with WWL Radio.

“Listen, it makes complete sense,” Payton said when asked about the strict travel restrictions and shelter-in-place recommendations from local governments. “And look, we try asking nicely, and we try saying, ‘Hey look, this is the deal.’ And then you still see behavior that makes you upset.”

The popular rule has been to maintain six feet of clear space between people and those around them, to which Payton offered a helpful reminder: “Just picture it as everyone’s got a hand grenade on them. How about that? Alright, so stay away from everybody. The state has issued — our state right now, and a lot of it has to do with Mardi Gras, but our state right now, the numbers aren’t good.”

Louisiana has been a hotbed of coronavirus infections, even moreso than other states. That’s likely due to the state’s (and New Orleans in particular) tourism-focused economy, which hosts millions of visitors each month, as well as a healthcare system that’s been quickly overwhelmed by the rapid spread of infections. It’s inspired Saints leaders like team owner Gayle Benson and quarterback Drew Brees to step up in assisting their communities.

But as Payton learned firsthand, the coronavirus has already established a foothold in the state. It’s going to take more proactive measures like what he’s endorsed to prevent the situation from worsening further. At any rate, it’s great to see Payton using his own experience and platform to encourage others to take care of themselves and those around them.

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