Seahawks wide receiver Tyler Lockett still not 100% after leg injury

After bruising his lower leg Week 10 in San Franciso, Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Tyler Lockett is on the mend for Monday night.

Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Tyler Lockett participated in the team’s Week 12 outing against the Philadelphia Eagles although he wasn’t fully recovered from the leg bruise he sustained in San Francisco two weeks before.

Lockett was injured late in the fourth quarter against the 49ers and remained in The Bay area for a couple of days while he received treatment on his leg.

Coach Pete Carroll is hoping he’ll be up to speed by this Monday night against the Vikings.

“Yeah, he feels really good now,” Carroll said Wednesday. “It maybe wasn’t 100%, even though he could run and play and all that. He just feels better now. I think it’s going to take all the way to Monday to really kind of put it in the rearview mirror, but he’s in good shape.

“He looked really good today.”

Lockett, the Seahawks and the Vikings had Thursday off for Thanksgiving but resume practice on Friday.

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