Remaining April free agents left for Bills to consider

Could there be any players still available that could interest the Bills? There certainly are. 

Vikings defensive end Everson Griffen. Credit: Brace Hemmelgarn-USA TODAY Sports


DE Everson Griffen

Age: 32

The Bills really don’t need another aging defensive end, as they now have a few. There’s Jerry Hughes (31) and recently added Mario Addison (32). That’s not to say that those guys can’t play, but Buffalo might consider bringing in another piece that’s more of a prospect that can learn under those two.

But if they want to get really creative with their rotation, could Everson Griffen join Buffalo’s defensive line rotation? Griffen is no longer is his prime, but he made the Pro Bowl just last season, a year he had eight sacks. Plus during his time with the Vikings, he did play under Buffalo defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier.

Again, bringing in another edge defender might mean the end of Murphy with the Bills. But even with Murphy, another veteran addition could give the Bills a solid rotation.