Re-live Ohio State’s Big Ten Championship win in Indy

If you’re looking for a way to re-live the come-from-behind-win in Indianapolis over Wisconsin, Ohio State shared a video you have to see.

We’re used to the Ohio State creative team dropping a trailer of the next opponent every Thursday during the season, but we’re in a bit of a holding pattern as we wait for Fiesta Bowl week. But never fear, apparently the folks in charge of these sorts of things don’t need a game on tap to produce high quality content.

We know you are still reveling in the come-from-behind win last weekend in Indianapolis. We also know you’re all about re-living the theatrics of a football script that had some adversity, drama, and — most importantly — a happy ending.

Well, you’re in luck.

If you want to get the warm and fuzzy feeling all over, you can do so by watching the highlight video the official Twitter feed of Ohio State football shared to Twitter Friday.

Just click on the below, turn it up, and send it to all your Wisconsin and Michigan fans. Heck, go ahead and push share and throw it on over to your Penn State fans too.

Pretty good stuff here. Hopefully the OSU creative team is busy making a similar video after all the fun on December 28.