Ranking the greatest Super Bowl halftime show memes of all time, including Left Shark and 50 Cent (2024 edition)

The best Super Bowl memes of all time, starring Left Shark and the Rihanna stare.

Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2023 and has been updated.

The Super Bowl halftime show is one of the best things about NFL’s annual title game — and for some, it’s THE best thing.

But for us, the memes that come out of halftime that are in the top-3 best things about the Super Bowl.

We’ve had so many legendary memes that explode that night and last for weeks. And it’s pretty much a guarantee that we’ll get one from the Usher show at the 2024 Super Bowl in Las Vegas on Sunday.

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That’s why it’s a good time to rank the best of the best, the ones that we loved sharing.

Here they are, the best Super Bowl memes of all time, ranked: