Randy Sanders reflects on Johnny Majors, ‘Miracle at South Bend’

Randy Sanders reflects on Johnny Majors, Miracle at South Bend.

No. 13 Tennessee defeated No. 5 Notre Dame, 35-34, on Nov. 9, 1991 at Notre Dame Stadium.

The Vols rallied to victory after trailing Notre Dame by 24 points. The comeback is known as the “Miracle at South Bend.”

Notre Dame led Tennessee, 21-0, after the first quarter, and 31-7 with less than a minute to play in the first half.

Randy Sanders ETSU
Photo by Dan Harralson

Current East Tennessee State head coach Randy Sanders served as Tennessee’s wide receivers coach in 1991.

Sanders joined the show “Tennessee Two-A-Days” and discussed the Vols’ comeback win at Notre Dame. He also reflected on his time coaching and playing for former UT head coach Johnny Majors.

The show can be listened to here or below.

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