Q&A: Mychal Mulder talks quarantine, Kentucky hoops, ‘The Last Dance,’ playing with Steph Curry and his long journey to the NBA

While the NBA season is on hold, Mychal Mulder joined Warriors Wire for a Q&A about life in quarantine, Kentucky hoops, Stephen Curry, “The Last Dance,” and his journey from junior college to the NBA.

(AP Photo/Ben Margot)

TCHow are you holding up during quarantine?

MM: I’m holding up pretty well. I’m over in Canada. I’m just kind of waiting for things to die down a little bit so I can get back to San Francisco, but I’m doing my best to stay active, stay mentally engaged and just remain positive through all this.

TC: Have you had an outlet to work on your game during quarantine?

MM: Yeah, I have some decent stuff around the house like weights-wise to make sure I stay in shape. I’ve been going for runs. I’ve got a court not too far from my house that I’ve been shooting on a little bit, so it’s been not too bad. It’s more outdoor basketball than I’ve been used to, but I will get used to it.

TCHave you picked up any new hobby without hoops? How are you filling your time while in quarantine?

MM: You don’t realize how much time basketball takes up of your day until it’s taken from you. I’ve been doing the regular things. A lot of the guys, we’re all doing the same things. We’re playing video games, catching up on music, watching old game film, just things like that — anything really to stay busy.

TC: Are you into video games?

MM: I play a little bit of Call of Duty with the new stuff going on. I play Fortnite with some teammates. Those are the two I probably play the most.

TC: Talking about music — do you have a recommendation right now?

MM: I’ve been going back and listening to the old J. Cole mixtapes from a few years ago. I think just the other day was 13 years since he released The Come Up, so I was listening to that.

TC: Who was your favorite player or player your modeled your game after growing up?

MM: Growing up, my dad was a Lakers fan. He was a huge Shaq [O’Neal] fan, so obviously I fell in love with Kobe [Bryant] really early in my basketball playing days.

Then moving forward, when Shaq ended up going to Miami, I was a big fan of D-Wade. When the Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony class came in, that was huge for me in my formative years. I really loved watching D-Wade play, that was a big one for me, for sure.

TC: What do you think of the pipeline of NBA and NCAA talent coming from Canada?

MM: Honestly, that’s something I’m super proud of. Growing up when you looked in the NBA, you only saw one to two guys from Canada at a time. To be able to see the influx in Canadian basketball and the rise of basketball in Canada has been really great to see.

Even just a few years ago, watching Andrew Wiggins go number one was a top moment for us over here. Seeing the success he was able to have up until this point is something that we’ve all been really proud of. To be able to see the growth of Canadian basketball in guys like Jamal Murray and all the guys that have been drafted since has grown tremendously and is something we’re all super proud of.

Mark Zerof-USA TODAY Sports

TC: How has the Kentucky basketball fraternity reacted to you getting your call to the league? Everywhere you look there are UK players all around the NBA. Has anyone reached out to you?

MM: I’ve talked to a few of the guys since, for sure. A lot of them were just calling me to congratulate me and catch up. They’ve obviously been busy with their careers and things like that, but it’s been great to catch up with guys. I keep in close contact with some of them. You look around the league, and it seems like every team has at least one or, two guys, at least, and it’s pretty cool.

I’ve been in contact with the guys. We’re talking in a group chat with my old teammates from Kentucky, like Jamal Murray and those guys. A few of my old teammates are going to get on a call hereafter this to do a little Zoom meeting to catch up and stuff like that. We’ve been trying to keep up like once every couple weeks.

Mark Zerof-USA TODAY Sports

TCWas there any trash talk when you got the chance to play against your former Kentucky teammate Jamal Murray and the Nuggets?

MM: We were chit-chatting a little bit. We hadn’t seen each other so long, it was just a good reunion honestly. I could tell he was really happy for me. I was glad to see him. It was a great moment for us to finally be able to share that court again.

TC: What have you thought of “The Last Dance” documentary — especially seeing your head coach as one of the featured characters?

MM: I’ve definitely been watching it. I wear my Air Jordan 1s on Sunday and get on the couch like the rest of the world. It’s great to tune-in. I’ve studied a lot of Jordan film in my time. It’s been really cool to see some behind the scenes stuff as well as see Steve [Kerr] and everyone interacting with each other on a player to player level. It’s been really cool to watch.

TC: Do you have a favorite Jordan moment?

MM: It’s really hard to pick honestly. He had so many; it’s really hard to choose. My dad growing up had a rivalry going with some of his friends about the Pistons because we were so close to the Detroit area. The whole “Bad Boys” episode and what they did to uplift Jordan’s career was awesome to watch. It was a really fun moment for me to watch.

TC: I know I’ve seen you wear a few Jordan’s in-game with the Warriors. Do you have a favorite Jordan shoe?

MM: I don’t know if I’d say I just have one favorite, but I’m a big fan of the 1s. I’ve got a lot of pairs of 12s as well. I like them all, I like the 4s too. I’ll definitely be pulling some out when we get back to playing. I’ll definitely have a couple on the court to show off.

Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports

TC: You’re obviously a very talented shooter. You land in a place with Steve Kerr, Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson. What’s it like being around that much shooting talent?

MM: Honestly, that couldn’t be a better situation for me. Growing up and even in the last parts of my career, I’ve been so focused on what I can do to get better as a shooter. Whether it be moving without the ball, or quicker release and things like that — being able to do drills in practice with those guys, I know that’s going to be great for me.

I’m definitely going to just try and soak up as much information and learn as much as possible in the time we have together. It really couldn’t be a better situation for a guy like me to be playing everyday with guys like Steph, Klay and to have Steve there to help me get better and improve.

(AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

TC: Listening to Steve Kerr talk after games, whenever your name gets brought up, he mentions defense. How important has the defensive side of the floor been for a reason why you’ve stuck around with the Warriors?

MM: I feel like that’s a huge reason why I was able to stick around honestly. A lot of people just watching the games from the stands and stuff, they just see the shots and things like that. But, as a player, you know that coaches want to see you play on the other side of the floor. They want to see your intensity on defense, they want to see your knowledge, your ability to adjust to schemes and things like that.

That was a huge aspect for me to work on and make sure that I was improving every day over the last few years, so when I did get this opportunity, I was ready to make that impact on that side of the floor.

TC: Your first game with the Warriors you went 0-5 from deep. What was that moment like? Was it rattling at all?

MM: I definitely wasn’t rattled. Obviously, I wanted to shoot better. I wouldn’t say I was nervous as much as I was anxious to be able to play and have this opportunity. The next day I was back in Golden State ready to play.

I had my mom come to the game, had her fly out and after the game, I’m talking to her and she’s saying I played well. I was saying I wish I could have shot the ball better, though, you know. She said, ‘Mychal, you can shoot the ball, don’t worry about that; you played well in other aspects. Everyone knows you can shoot the ball. As long as you do those other things, that’s what’s most important right now.’ And taking that with me into the next game, I was definitely willing and ready to fire. Luckily it was more positively after that for sure.

TC: What was the approach heading into the next game knowing you didn’t shoot the way you wanted to in your first game?

MM: The attitude I had was just confidence. It’s something that’s been instilled in me over the last few seasons, especially, and something I carry with me. You know, I can go 0-for-5, I can go 5-for-5, It doesn’t really matter; I never really get too high or too low.

I know that over the course of 100 shots, I’ll be floating around 40 makes. I know eventually the percentage is going to swing back into my favor. So, having that confidence to just be able to step up and take the next shot, shoot with confidence and be ready to make it, that’s always been something that’s key to me and something I’ll keep doing moving forward.

Cary Edmondson-USA TODAY Sports

TC: Fast forward to your game against Philly, 18 points, three 3-pointers, a couple of assists and more impressive, a Warriors win over a playoff experienced Sixers team. What was the feeling like after that game? I know that game was in primetime, I’d have to imagine your phone was blowing up after the game.

MM: It was a great feeling. That was when my 10-day was trickling down. It was kind of my last opportunity on the home floor to leave a lasting impression during my 10 day. I was happy I was able to play well and do everything I could to help the team win.

I was so eager to get a home win that my excitement was just through the roof to be able to get that win in front of the home crowd at Chase and celebrate with the team and things like that. It was definitely a special moment for me and something I won’t ever forget.

TC: Speaking of the home crowd, have you spent time in the Bay Area before coming to the Warriors? What do you think of living in the Bay Area? 

MM: I haven’t spent much time in the Bay previously, but ever since I stepped into the city, I loved tons of things about it. It was very welcoming, not just the team, but the people around were very welcoming, made me feel at home.

I knew immediately that this was a place that I want to be, not only basketball-wise, but it’s a great city that has amazing fans. It couldn’t fit better for someone like me to be in a situation like this. I couldn’t be more thankful.

TC: Since getting the call from the Warriors, have you had that “wow” moment that’s really stopped you in your tracks?

MM: I had a few moments like that. It didn’t really happen until my 10-day was over. During my 10-day, I was really focused on just putting one foot in front of the other, putting one good day on top of the next. I could do that and see how it ended up at the end. But to be able to come back and sign a deal and say I’m officially a part of the Warriors, not just on a 10 day, that was a big “wow” moment for me.

It’s been a really long journey since Kentucky, even though there’s been a couple of years in between, I feel like they did so much now to grow as a person and as a player. The journey has been so long that being at the moment where I’m finally signing to a team was something that was huge for me.

TC: Have you had the chance to talk to Stephen Curry? What have you learned from him since joining Golden State?

MM: We got a chance to chop it up a little bit, especially before leaving town. Something that I learned from him that he hasn’t said anything to me necessarily yet about it but, him being on a different road as well. His path that he’s walked has been something extremely special and that’s something that I resonate with —  the long grind.

Just having people say that you can’t and then proving those people wrong. It’s something that sticks with me. I have a lot to learn from these guys. I’m excited to do that when we get back.

TC: From the junior college level to Kentucky to the G League and now with the Golden State Warriors, have you had a chance to step back and reflect on your journey?

MM: It definitely was a different path, and it was a path that was on my own. That’s something that’s always felt very special to me. Obviously, being a JUCO guy and having the opportunity to go to Kentucky after that, I was very blessed to have that opportunity. Then to have a break after Kentucky to really grow and progress as a basketball player and a person. I feel like that was huge in my development and ultimately getting to this point.

After signing the deal, I told myself I would take one day to really reflect and look back on how far I’ve come and really celebrate. Then starting the next day basically, time to look forward and realize the things that I still have left to do. I feel like the journey has been so long that I’m just beginning to write my own story. I’m just looking forward to things to come. A lot of hard work ahead — a lot of long nights and early days. I just can’t wait to enjoy every moment of that.

TC: What’s your message to guys in Junior College right now with hopes of getting to the NBA?

MM: If I were to have a message to guys in the Junior College circuit looking to make it the NBA, I guess the only one I would have would be to don’t quit. The JUCO days are some of the hardest in my life. My coach was very intense. He expected a ton out of us, a lot more than what some of us expected out of ourselves most times. I always felt like he had high ceilings and high expectations for us, and we were there to lead up to those. All the guys who made it through the junior college experience with me, we all cherished it together. We’re close friends. We talk every day to this day.

Build those relationships, and first and foremost, don’t quit through all of it.

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