President Morehead addresses UGA Alumni and Family amid coronavirus pandemic

University of Georgia President Morehead addresses UGA Alumni and Family amid the coronavirus pandemic.

As the country and the world copes with the COVID-19 crisis, University of Georgia President Jere Morehead penned an inspiring letter to Bulldog Nation in which he outlined several contributions made by the university, faculty, staff, alumni and students.

Switching 11,000 course sections to online learning to over 37,000 students in mid-semester was a herculean effort. From UGA researchers developing and testing new vaccines and immunotherapies to combat the novel coronavirus to a team of staff and students producing medical face shields for local medical professionals to UGA Campus Kitchen preparing and delivering meals to families in Athens, the UGA community has risen to the occasion during these unprecedented times.

President Morehead elegantly compared Georgia’s efforts to combatting COVID-19 to those fall Saturday nights in Sanford Stadium.

“…… a hush falls over the stadium. One at a time, lights appear all across the stadium, and as the Redcoats begin to play, thousands of individual lights rise and fall in rhythmic motion, creating a spectacle that captures national attention,” Morehead wrote. “Each one of those lights represents a small action taken by a single person. Collectively, these small actions create something big and impactful. I am so proud of everyone in our University community.”

It’s simply the “Georgia Way.” Stay safe Dawg Nation.

Here is the full letter:

Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends,

The University of Georgia, along with the rest of the world, is responding to a crisis the likes of which we have never seen. The last few weeks have been some of the most tumultuous in the history of our University, but as I write to you today, one week after university-wide online instruction began, I am truly inspired by so many things happening at and around UGA.

The shift to online learning required an incredible level of collaboration and effort to achieve, and UGA faculty, staff and students did all that was asked of them and more. Last week, our faculty delivered more than 11,000 course sections online to over 37,000 students, and we collectively participated in Zoom meetings totaling more than 4.5 million minutes.

But that’s not all.  Even in the midst of this significant work, UGA faculty, staff, and students are finding creative ways to apply their expertise and commitment to serve needs in our local community, state, and nation during this challenging time.  UGA researchers, for instance, are developing and testing new vaccines and immunotherapies to combat the novel coronavirus and leveraging data science to better understand its spread and transmission. A team of staff and students is producing medical face shields for local medical professionals facing a shortage of protective equipment.  UGA Campus Kitchen is delivering prepared meals and groceries to food-insecure families in Athens.  These are just a few examples among many, and I encourage you to visit to read about these vital efforts.

Our alumni, parents, and friends also are responding en masse to meet this moment. Donating to student emergency funds, sewing protective masks, shifting their businesses to produce hand sanitizer, treating COVID-19 patients: so many Bulldogs are rising to the occasion to help those around them. Even in the face of a global pandemic, we continue to serve our communities.

When I see how the Bulldog Nation is responding, I am reminded of those fall Saturday nights in Sanford Stadium when the fourth quarter begins and a hush falls over the stadium. One at a time, lights appear all across the stadium, and as the Redcoats begin to play, thousands of individual lights rise and fall in rhythmic motion, creating a spectacle that captures national attention.

Each one of those lights represents a small action taken by a single person. Collectively, these small actions create something big and impactful. I am so proud of everyone in our University community—near and far, on campus and off—for raising their lights during this very challenging time. Together, we are making a difference, and we are showing the world what it means to be part of the Bulldog Nation.

Hoping you remain safe and healthy,

Jere W. Morehead
