Panthers QB Baker Mayfield on Browns, Deshaun Watson: ‘None of my business’

Panthers QB Baker Mayfield doesn’t seem worried about the Browns, Deshaun Watson or Week 1 at the moment.

Carolina Panthers quarterback Baker Mayfield is amongst the most animated and outspoken players the NFL has to offer. But even he wouldn’t take today’s bait.

Following Monday’s training camp practice in Spartanburg, S.C., the former Cleveland Browns quarterback was asked about the developing situation regarding his previous employer—specifically the six-game suspension of his replacement Deshaun Watson. But Mayfield, who will see those Watson-less Browns come to town in Week 1, didn’t really touch the topic.

“That, honestly, is none of my business,” he said. “I don’t play against the other quarterback. It’s the most cliché thing to say, but that’s just the truth. When it comes down to it, I’m game-planning against their defense. And if I’m playing or not, I’m trying to help this team win. And that’s my mindset going into it. So I gotta keep getting better. But I’m not focused about Week 1 right now.”

Well, it kinda might be his business at some point.

Again, Watson’s suspension will keep him out of action on Sept. 11, when the Panthers host the Browns to kick off the new campaign. Regardless, Mayfield is the odds-on favorite to start under center for Carolina against his old squad.

And even without Cleveland’s new big-name quarterback, that matchup should certainly keep business booming as soon as it rolls around.

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