Ohio State’s 2019 football season came to a premature end (queue the flashbacks), but it’s already time to turn the page to the 2020 season. And in the world of big-time college football that’s exactly what happened over the weekend.
A few of the highly rated Buckeyes’ 2020 recruiting class is enrolling early, and it was time to move in and “come home.” Here’s a look at what some of the future OSU players looked like on Twitter as they backed the U-Haul up to the banks of the Olentangy to start the next chapter in their football careers.
Hopefully we can look back on some of these and reminisce about a class that made Ohio State football memorable.
Here is defensive back Lejond Cavazos checking in.
Welcome home @lejondaryy
#GoBucks #XXclusive #BIA pic.twitter.com/gc7pkaYH5Y
— Ohio State Football (@OhioStateFB) January 4, 2020
And here’s his tweet on his own.
I’m officially home….
— Lej (@lejondaryy) January 3, 2020
Quarterback Jack Miller, defensive back Ryan Watts and Julian Fleming also hit campus together.
Welcome to town guys! Let’s work
@julian_040@jackjamesmiller@TheRyanWatts#GoBucks #XXclusive pic.twitter.com/Rjvi8i6yAQ
— Ohio State Football (@OhioStateFB) January 4, 2020
There will surely be more move in over the next few days, but for now, some of the best of the best are starting to hit the ground running at THE Ohio State University.