Ohio State football sets new all-time high in ESPN FPI metric

Ohio State has been dominant in 2019, and one metric used to track such things by the ESPN FPI has been broken by the Buckeyes.

Ohio State continues to dominate in 2019. Not one single team has been able to provide anything resembling a challenge against the Buckeyes. So far, the season’s opponents have been like a wet paper towel against a freight train.

Now, if we rewind all the way back to the beginning of the year before all the games began, the ESPN Football Power Index had little faith in Ohio State being this dominant. In fact, it was on the fringe of not even appearing on any of the graphics projecting the top teams for the season.

My how things have now changed. Not only has Ohio State been the No. 1 team for a few weeks now in the FPI ratings, just this past week it shattered the all-time high measurement in the points above average rating per Brad Edwards of ESPN.

The Buckeyes points above average in layman terms means that Ohio State is 34.7 points better than your average college football team.  Lookout well-below average Rutgers, you have been put on notice.

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Now, ESPN only began collecting these data sets in 2004, but that’s better than 2005 Texas (national champs), 2005 USC (Pete Carroll dynasty), and 2013 Florida State (Jameis Winston national champs).

That’s quite the achievement, especially since it is only November and there’s still plenty of time to improve the rating. If we are then to forecast where this team will land, well — if history is any indication — it should be in the College Football Playoff and have a great chance of winning the whole ball of wax.

Now, the games have to be played, but this is as telling of a stat when it comes to domination as one can get. If, that is, you put much stock in ESPN’s FPI.

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