Notre Dame – The Weekend That Was

Miss anything that happened in regards to Notre Dame athletics this weekend? Catch up with it all right here!

There wasn’t a massive amount of actual news regarding Notre Dame athletics over the weekend but a few things certainly worth looking back on in case you missed them.

Who we believe is Notre Dame’s best returning defender for the 2020 squad received major praise nationally over the weekend.

Brian Kelly spoke and says he thinks the Notre Dame football team is on the verge of something very special.

Recent Chicago Bears draft pick Cole Kmet got his first NFL jersey number – one that is perfect for a Chicago kid that grew up a Bears fan.

The 2014-15 Notre Dame men’s basketball team got together for a reunion of sorts that was done like everything these days — online.

And finally, the best base-stealer we’ve seen at Notre Dame in quite some time received national praise for what was a fantastic start to the 2020 season before things were canceled.