NFL 2023 Panic Meter: Ranking the 9 winless NFL teams through 2 weeks

These nine NFL teams haven’t won a game this season. How panicked should their fans be?

The NFL season has gotten through two games for 2023, and we’ve got nine teams who haven’t yet won a game this season.

Some of these teams are Super Bowl contenders who are drastically underperforming for whatever reason, and some of these teams weren’t really expected to do all that much this fall in the midst of rebuilds.

NFL 2023 Confidence Meter: Ranking the 9 undefeated NFL teams through 2 weeks

We’ve taken a look at the nine teams that have reached 2-0, so let’s now look at the nine teams that are struggling to find wins on the field.

Some of these fan bases can take a deep breath for possibly bright futures, while others might need to take a seat and prepare themselves for a rocky roads. Let’s see which teams should relax, and which teams should panic.