Netflix cancelled ‘Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj’ and the internet was not happy about it

Man, this is tough.

Through its short two years of existence, Hasan Minhaj’s show Patriot Act had become one of the most popular shows on Netflix.

The show dove into the cultural and political landscape of America and deconstructed it through Minhaj’s incredible storytelling ability.

Its best quality was frequently diving in on global trends and subject matters and making them simple. It was just brilliant. Not only was it comedy, but it was always chock full of essential information about subject matters people encounter on a daily basis. And he frequently used journalism to do it.

And now, after six seasons on the platform, the show has been cancelled and it’s unclear why. Minhaj announced the news on Tuesday morning in a tweet.

The cancellation came out of nowhere despite. And, considering how critically acclaimed the show was, so many people had questions.

The internet went into a frenzy after Minhaj posted the news.

Netflix confirmed the cancellation to Deadline shortly after the news broke,  but they didn’t give a reason for it.

Patriot Act was yet another foray into the late night talk show space for Netflix that they’ve been trying to crack for years. If this show’s cancellation is any indication, they’ve really struggled to get things to stick.

Hopefully, for us, though, Minhaj will be able to continue doing the work he was doing elsewhere at some point. We just have to wait and see until then.

‘Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj’ Canceled After Six Seasons On Netflix