NBA teams won’t stop trading veteran Trevor Ariza this week

Trevor Ariza is the new Luke Ridnour.

Does anyone actually know where Trevor Ariza is set to play basketball right now? Are we even sure Trevor Ariza knows where Trevor Ariza is supposed to play when the season starts?

Honestly, if he doesn’t, no one can blame him. This man has been traded three times already in six days.

On Sunday, he was a Portland Trail Blazer. He was traded on Monday to the Houston Rockets as part of the Robert Covington deal. Then he was traded again to the Pistons on Wednesday night for the 16th overall pick in the draft.

Earlier on Saturday, Ariza was rerouted again. This time to the Oklahoma City Thunder as part of a 3-team deal that ended up netting OKC Delon Wright.

Now, all of a sudden, Ariza is on the verge of making some really weird history.

One more trade by the end of Saturday and Ariza could become the first player traded four times in a seven day span since Luke Ridnour in 2015. Back in 2015, Ridnour went from 5 teams in 6 days.

If the Thunder can trade Ariza one more time, he’ll have a chance to pull a Ridnour. Of course, NBA fans had their jokes.

Honestly, with the way Oklahoma City has been shifting players around? There’s definitely a non-zero chance that he actually pulls a Ridnour.

Honestly, I have no idea if that’s a good or bad thing at this point. It’s just a thing.

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