Most watched college football games of 2021. How many was Ohio State involved in?

Here are the 12 most-watched college football games of 2021. Can you guess how many involved Ohio State? #GoBucks

College football had a very nice bounceback year, one in which the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t wreak nearly as much havoc on things as 2020. The viewers tuned in on streaming devices and television sets like normal.

But some games got a lot more eyeballs on them than others, meaning not all games and programs are created equal. You know Ohio State typically turns on television sets and mobile phone screens, and that was the case again in 2021, but there were others too.

Here is a list of the 12 most-watched college football games of 2021, two of which include YOUR Ohio State Buckeyes. Only Alabama had more games appearing on this list, with a whopping four total.

The homework comes courtesy of The Athletic’s Stewart Mandel.