Meet Julian Okwara, Notre Dame’s dominant pass-rushing prospect

Check out Draft Wire’s exclusive interview with Notre Dame edge defender Julian Okwara

In today’s NFL, you can never have too many talented pass rushers. If your favorite team is looking for an edge defender who is no stranger to overcoming challenges and making big plays, they should be all over Notre Dame’s Julian Okwara.

One of the top edge rushers in the 2020 NFL draft class, Okwara recently spoke exclusively with Draft Wire about his childhood journey to the United States from Nigeria, how he approaches his pass-rushing plan, and how playing for the Fighting Irish prepared him for the next level.

JM: You moved to the U.S. from Nigeria in the third grade. You were obviously quite young, but I’m curious as to what you remember about that process, and if you experienced any culture shock at all?

JO: Yeah, it was a process for us. I lived in Nigeria with my dad, and my brother, Romeo. I remember Romeo and I just hanging out. We always had sports when life got tough. I remember playing a lot of basketball growing up. I was a soccer guy, as well. We were always hanging out outdoors. We made the move to Charlotte when I was eight years old. It wasn’t much of a culture shock because I had some family here already. They really helped us make a smooth transition. My brother and sister were already here with my mom. It was more about getting used to new surroundings. It wasn’t so bad if I’m being honest.

JM: Your mom came here first, as you said, and you guys eventually followed. They made quite the sacrifice. What did that teach you about hard work?

JO: It taught me that hard work comes with a lot of sacrifice. My dad took a huge risk by bringing his family here while he was still in Nigeria working on his business and other things he had going on at the time. He ultimately knew that coming to America was one of the best things he could do for his family. He was able to make some sacrifices, my mother was already here with my other brother and sister. It was all about making a better life for ourselves.

I think it all worked out nicely. Romeo is playing in the NFL, my other brother has a great job back in Charlotte, and I’m on my way as well. My sister is in college right now. Education was always huge for our family. I think my dad knew that moving us here gave us the best chance. My dad actually went to college as well. He understood the benefits and potential payoff of moving his family here. It all worked out in the long run.

(Photo by Andy Lyons/Getty Images)

JM: How much of being a successful pass rusher is accomplished pre-snap?

JO: A lot of it starts pre-snap. For me, it starts with being familiar with the quarterback in general. I pay attention to the cadence and things of that nature. I’m a big film guy. Any advantage you can gain going into a game is huge. Getting in the film room and picking up on anything about his habits before he snaps the ball can be huge. It’s about getting familiar with that and being able to key in on it during a game. Watching the offensive linemen on film is obviously a huge component as well. I try to look at their body language and see if I can pick up on anything. For example, when he’s a little low in his stance before the snap, it’s likely a run play. You just try to pick up on a tell and key in on that.

JM: I love that. Do you have a favorite pass rush move?

JO: I love bull-rushing people. I love to use my stab, as well. I have pretty long arms, or at least that’s what I’ve always been told (laughs). That’s the move I’ve always worked on. I’ve been working on that since I was a freshmen. To be able to use that move, to be able to keep contain in the run game, those are some of the things I’m really proud of. I can use it to come under, shed the block and get to the quarterback. I think it’s more of a two-way move, I can use that without selling out to get to the quarterback in case it’s a run play. It’s important that I don’t lose contain.

JM: Let’s say that bull rush is stopped, you’re having trouble with it. How do you counter?

JO: I’ve incorporated the spin move quite a bit. I’m more of a finesse player. I try not to overthink things and run with whatever the offensive linemen is giving me. You can’t be too fixated on what you’ve done in the past and what not. Every game is different and every opponent is different. I have to make sure I’m well prepared for each opponent because the strategy has to stay fresh. I have to practice what I’m good at, but I also have to be ready to counter. That can really help you throughout the course of a game.

Matt Cashore-USA TODAY Sports

JM: I’ve heard some great news regarding your recovery from injury. I see a dynamic, athletic player on film. What can you tell me about that?

JO: I’ve been rehabbing a lot. A lot of people seemed to think the injury was a lot worse than it was. I was never injured before that. To have a minor injury, I’m thankful that I’ve been healthy throughout my collegiate career. I now understand what it’s like to overcome the process of rehabbing. Everybody goes through it at some point. That’s just the nature of the game.

I’m working my way towards the NFL right now and there’s always going to be some sort of adversity when you’re working towards such a major goal or accomplishment. I’ve been rehabbing twice a day and the process has been going well. I have some amazing people in my corner. They’re constantly checking in on me and making sure I’m good to go. I’ve been attacking rehab the same way I attack a workout or a practice. You just have to commit yourself. That part is crucial. I’ve been getting my strength back day by day.

JM: Playing at Notre Dame allowed you the opportunity to play against some of the best competition college football has to offer. Who are some of the best offensive linemen you’ve gone up against?

JO: I would say the best offensive tackle I’ve faced throughout my career was Andrew Thomas from Georgia. He’s a really strong guy and it’s always a challenge to go up against him. I think I went up against him during my freshmen or sophomore year when we played them at home and then again this past season. He’s an incredible player that we always had to account for. You better be ready for him.

JM: Is there one NFL quarterback that you’d love to sack?

JO: I would probably say Tom Brady. I just think he’s one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game. I just read an article that said he’s coming back next year so maybe I’ll get my chance to get after him (laughs). If we’re on the same team, I won’t be allowed to touch him of course. I’m not trying to lose my job (laughs). Anyone that plays defense, you’ve always dreamed about going up against these legendary quarterbacks and he’s obviously one of those guys.

Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports

JM: The NFL Scouting Combine will be here before we know it. Are you looking forward to any drills in particular?

JO: I’m looking forward to the bench press. I always see people talking about how small I am compared to this person or that person. I expect to see my bench numbers a little higher than the guys I’m sometimes compared with. I love going out there and showing people that I’m strong enough to set the edge and be a force in the run game as well. I’m strong enough to bull rush my opponent into the quarterback’s lap. I’m excited about the chance to show off my ability in all of the drills and show that my size is a non-issue. I’m out to prove that I’m gonna be a great addition to any organization.

JM: You had some great teammates at Notre Dame, but I’m gonna put you on the spot: If you were going into battle tomorrow and could only bring one with you, who would it be and why?

JO: I would probably say Jamir Jones. We came in together. He’s a defensive end that I’m close with. We knew we could always count on him. He was always ready to step in and do whatever the team asked of him. Whether guys were getting injured or whatever, he always stepped in and sacrificed himself for the greater good of our locker room. He’s just an excellent teammate and a super reliable guy. He’s always been one of my best friends. We have each other’s backs no matter what. We just have that connection.

JM: If you could pick the brain of any current or former pass rusher, who would it be and why?

JO: Von Miller. I’ve been watching him since I was in middle school. He’s always been one of my idols as a pass rusher. He’s definitely one of the greatest pass rushers of our era. He’s just been super productive. His ability to bend the corner and get to the quarterback is such a pleasure to watch. He just wreaks havoc out there. I’d love to understand the way he plays the game. That would be a fun sit-down for me. Getting tips from him would be a blessing.

JM: Lots of mock drafts are placing you in the first round. I wanna give you a chance to tell me why that’s justified at this point?

JO: I believe I’m one of the best defensive ends in the country, if not THE best defensive end in the country. I think my skill-set could benefit any defensive game plan or alignment. I think I’m scheme versatile, I can play defensive end in a 4-3 alignment or outside linebacker in a 3-4. I have a lot of room to grow still. Any team that picks me is getting a fierce competitor who won’t accept anything less than being great. I wanna be one of the best defensive ends to ever played the game. I’m excited to bring my leadership attributes to the locker room as well. I’m a lead by example kinda guy. I’ll do everything I can to get the best outta the guys around me.

JM: How will you look back on your time at Notre Dame a few years from now?

JO: Coming to Notre Dame helped me become the man that I am today. There were points in my life throughout high school that I didn’t know what the future held for me when it came to the athletics. I can look back at it already and say I graduated from Notre Dame. I’ll forever be an alumni. I’ll always think about that and remember the people that helped me along the way. I’ll always remember the staff, everyone in the athletic department, my family of course. They really have a family environment up there. I knew they always had my back. It’s a true four-year program. It really speaks for itself.

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