Meet Josiah Deguara, Cincinnati’s complete TE prospect

Check out Draft Wire’s exclusive interview with Cincinnati tight end Josiah Deguara

While one-dimensional, pass-catching tight ends may be all the rage in today’s NFL, many teams are still looking for that now-rare prospect who can make plays in the passing game while also providing the traditional blocking ability the position requires.

If your favorite NFL team is looking for that player in the 2020 NFL draft, Cincinnati’s Josiah Deguara just might be their man.

A complete player who excels in every aspect of his position, Deguara recently spoke exclusively with Draft Wire about the long predraft process, playing for Bearcats coach Luke Fickell, and why an NFL team should take a chance on him in this year’s draft.

JM: What are you most excited for as you continue to go through this process?

JD: It’s such a blessing to be in this position. I’m trying to make my dream come true. To even have my name mentioned or attached to the NFL is such a surreal feeling for me. I had a chance to prove myself at the Senior Bowl. I’m going to the NFL Scouting Combine. I’m so thankful for all of these opportunities. Each opportunity brings me a step closer to achieving my dream of playing in the NFL. I’m honored to be in this position.

JM: The Cincinnati program has been very successful since coach Luke Fickell arrived. What can you tell me about your coach?

JD: Coach Fickell is one of the best coaches I’ve ever been around. He really helped put our program on the right path. He turned the culture around. I loved playing for him. That’s another opportunity I was thankful for. Regarding his coaching style, he’s not gonna take any nonsense from anybody. He really dials in and he lives what he preaches. We bought into everything he said. It obviously paid off for us. We loved playing for him.

James Guillory-USA TODAY Sports

JM: What’s your favorite part about playing the tight end position?

JD: I love being able to do it all. You’re in the trenches half of the time. The other half, you might be split outside like a wide receiver and you’re expected to make plays on the perimeter. I enjoy being able to do a little bit of everything. I love making plays for my team. I also enjoy getting down and dirty in the trenches. I would say that being able to do a little bit of everything is my favorite aspect of the position.

JM: You’re a solid blocker. It feels like that’s getting more and more rare with each passing year, as collegiate tight ends continue to morph into bigger receivers. What makes you different?

JD: It’s just something that I’m really proud of. I’m obviously a little undersized and I came into college that way. I’ve just always had that chip on my shoulder. I decided that I really wanted to improve as an in-line blocker. I had a great coach in tight ends coach [Mike] Denbrock. He taught me so many different things. I’ve worked hard at it over the years and I’ve been able to improve in that department with each passing year. I always try to focus on the finer details. That’s just how I am.

JM: Do you have a favorite route to run?

JD: Regarding the offense we ran at Cincinnati, we had this option route where I had the option to take the outside, go inside or sit it down somewhere. Being able to have the option to do whatever I wanted based on the look I was getting from the defense was probably my favorite route within our offense.

(Photo by Tim Warner/Getty Images)

JM: Who are some of the best defenders you’ve squared off with?

JD: We played against Ohio State, so Chase Young immediately comes to mind. He’s definitely the best player I’ve ever played against. Shaun Bradley from Temple is a great linebacker. Trevis Gipson from Tulsa is a great defensive end. Playing against those guys every year definitely comes to mind. Those were the top three guys I went up against.

JM: If you could catch a pass from one NFL quarterback, who would it be and why?

JD: I would have to say Tom Brady. He’s still the GOAT. That’s an easy answer for me. I can’t imagine picking anybody else.

JM: Why should an NFL team use one of their draft picks on Josiah Deguara?

JD: I think that my film speaks for itself. I’m a very versatile player that’s gonna work as hard as I can in everything that I’m asked to do. I’m a player that can do a lot of different things on the field both offensively and on special teams. I’m excited to bring a versatile skill-set to whichever team drafts me.

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