Meet Collin Johnson, Texas’ matchup nightmare at WR

Check out Draft Wire’s exclusive interview with Texas wide receiver Collin Johnson

Every NFL quarterback wants a massive, physical pass-catcher who can dominate smaller defensive backs, move the chains and come down with contested catches in the red zone.

If your favorite team needs that kind of player in the 2020 NFL draft, look no further than Texas’ Collin Johnson.

A big target who will create huge matchup problems at the next level, Johnson recently spoke exclusively with Draft Wire about why he went back to Austin for his senior season, his experience at the Senior Bowl, and what kind of impact he’ll have at the next level.

JM: What went into your decision to return for your senior season?

CJ: I decided to stay in school for three reasons. The first reason was that I wanted to help Texas win a National Championship. Secondly, I wanted to play one more year alongside my brother Kirk Johnson, who plays running back for us. Last but not least, I wanted to get my degree. I ended up achieving two out of three, which isn’t so bad (laughs). A lot of thought went into it. Obviously it’s a tough decision, but I felt like I made the right decision.

JM: You missed some time due to injury. How do you stay involved and engaged throughout the week when you know you’re gonna be out that week?

CJ: I need to always give them 100 percent of myself. Whether that’s on or off the field, I need to stay involved. If I’m playing, obviously my role is a little different, I need to be out there making plays for my team. When I can’t play, I almost feel like I’m an extension of the coaching staff. I need to help coach these guys up and let them know what I’m seeing out there. I love to get on the headset, pass along any info I have to the coaches and so on. That’s how you can give the team everything you have even when you’re not out there. One of the most frustrating things in the world is having to sit on the sideline while your team goes to war without you. That’s football though, injuries happen. You need to find a way to give them your best even when you can’t play.

Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports

JM: What was your experience like at the Senior Bowl?

CJ: That was an unbelievable experience. You get to compete with the top guys around the nation. It’s another opportunity to get better honestly. I learned a lot out there. You’re getting coached by an NFL coaching staff and it’s your job to soak everything in. It was an unbelievable opportunity. For me, it was just another opportunity to play the sport that I love. Going down there, getting better and just soaking it all in, it was great.

JM: Everyone goes into the Senior Bowl with the hope to achieve or prove something. What did you set out to achieve?

CJ: I just wanted to go out there and prove what I can do on the field. I wanted to show them what type of player I am. That goes for both on and off the field. I wanted to show them that I can learn to play every position. Whatever the playbook requires of me, I’m capable of that. I’m coachable and I’m willing to play special teams. I honestly wanted to prove that I’m a really good receiver. I believe that I went out there and did those things. It was far from perfect but I definitely feel like I proved myself a little bit.

JM: I’m curious if there was a moment in time when it sunk in that you were being coached by NFL coaches, and that this whole thing is for real?

CJ: I would say that the first meeting was really cool. It sunk in a little bit at that moment. The real moment that everything sunk in for me was at the first practice. Getting out there, putting the pads on, you can’t top that. You’re getting coached up by the guys who coach NFL superstars. These are the players I’ve idolized my entire life and I’m getting coached by the same coaches now. You’re right there and you’re working hands-on with them. We had some great coaches out there. You have to focus on your craft and learn as much as you can.

Tim Heitman-USA TODAY Sports

JM: Do you have a favorite route to run?

CJ: That’s a difficult question for me to answer because I literally love every route. I feel like it’s an art. You can be so creative with just about every route there is. If I had to pick one route, I would probably go with any out-breaking route. I couldn’t even tell you, man. Maybe a comeback route. I just love route running. There’s an art to every single route. I try to master the art of every route. It would be hard to pick just one.

JM: Route running really is an art.

CJ: Right, it’s an art. Every route is a little different. We play a game where you’re literally going up against another human being (laughs). That defensive back is in your face and he’s trying to stop you. Every route is a little different. You have to be creative and find ways to get open. You have to be at the right spot at the precise moment for your quarterback. A lot goes into it. You just have to embrace the art and continue to work at your craft.

JM: Playing at Texas put you up against some stiff competition on a weekly basis. Who are some of the best defensive backs you went up against?

CJ: I went up against a lot of great defensive backs throughout my time at Texas. It’s hard to single anyone out. I remember going up against Rasul Douglas during my freshmen year. I immediately thought that he was pretty good. He’s with the Philadelphia Eagles now. He was drafted fairly early. We played against LSU this past year. Obviously that entire secondary is immensely talented. You have to embrace the opportunity to play against the best talent around the nation on a weekly basis. You can’t have an off day or an off game because you’re facing the best and they will punish you if you don’t come correct.

Tom Pennington/Getty Images

JM: That’s life at a program like Texas. I know you had so many great teammates throughout your time there, but I’m gonna put you on the spot. If you were going to war tomorrow and could only bring one with you, who would you bring and why?

CJ: If I’m going to war tomorrow and we’re playing a game, I’m bringing my brother Kirk Johnson with me, because we’ve been playing the sport together for such a long time. We’ve been doing this since we were seven years old. We grew up in a football family. My dad taught us how to play the game the right way. We always went 100 miles per hour. We were taught to control our attitudes. I would definitely bring my brother with me. That might be a little biased but he’s a great football player and he always gives maximum effort.

JM: I can tell you’re a football player through and through. Because I said war, and you automatically assumed football. I was talking about combat, though. A real war (laughs).

CJ: Oh, actual war?! (laughs). It would still be my brother. The concept behind it, I would still take my brother. I know he has my best interest in mind. He never quits or backs down from anything. That’s the type of guy I want in my corner.

JM: I can’t decide if that makes you a great brother a terrible brother. You’re gonna drag your brother alongside you to war?!

CJ: I would be like Kirk, I need you bro (laughs). If I give him the word, I know he’s gonna be all for it.

JM: The NFL Scouting Combine is fast approaching. Are you looking forward to any drills in particular?

CJ: I just love the game of football. I welcome any opportunity to prove myself with open arms. I feel like the combine is next on the list. I’m looking forward to running routes and showing that I can get in and out of breaks smoothly. I know they have some questions regarding that since I’m a bigger guy. I’m looking forward to running the 40 yard dash and proving that I can move well for my size. I’m excited about all of the drills. I’m excited for the vertical and broad jumps. The agility drills will prove that I can move. I’ve been working hard to put myself in a position to test well.

JM: What kind of impact is Collin Johnson gonna make at the next level?

CJ: From the moment I step onto the facility, you’re gonna get a guy who’s always gonna give his best regardless of the circumstances he’s up against. That’s literally all I know, I can’t give anything but my best. Earlier I mentioned my dad and the way he raised me. There are some things you can’t control, but you can always control your attitude and effort. They’re gonna get a guy who shows up to work every day. Not only am I a really good football player, but I’m a really good teammate as well. I’m gonna make the guys around me better. That’s the type of guy you look for and the type of guy you want on your team. I feel like I have all of those attributes, both on and off the field.

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