Mark Sanchez completely fooled ‘The Masked Singer’ panel and fans


Mark Sanchez wasn’t known for being the most elusive of quarterbacks during his time in the NFL (yep, that’s a Butt Fumble joke!).

But on this season of The Masked Singer, he totally fooled everyone, from fans to the panel.

On Wednesday, Group B got its turn on the series, and it was Baby Alien who was eliminated after singing George Michael’s Faith and Imagine Dragons’ It’s Time (and pretty well, may I add!). Guesses from the judge included Eric Bana, Jeff Dunham and Taylor Lautner.

But nope! It was Sanchez, working a little puppet (and he was a really good puppeteer!). His clue packages didn’t help anyone think it was an athlete, let alone a former NFL QB.

There was that horseshoe and the roses, which maybe is a nod to the USC Trojans and the Rose Bowl? There’s that pronunciation of “route,” perhaps? But between the accent and those obscure clues, that’s tough. Where is the reference to the butt fumble!? That would have been a dead giveaway.

Maybe Sanchez has a future as a puppeteer? I’m seriously impressed.

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