If you drop your phone in water you could put it in a bag with this brisket to dry it out
— Trail Blazers Cookbook (@CookbookTrail) April 5, 2021
looks like he smoked a football https://t.co/cawts52Lwo
— Shawn (@ShawnOReggio) April 5, 2021
That thing is more burnt than his defenses in the College Football Playoffs. https://t.co/JMbCBxsvhV
— Paul T. Graham (@PaulTGraham) April 5, 2021
Lincoln Riley gets a rare loss to Texas. https://t.co/enHcUQu1Wn
— RedditCFB (@RedditCFB) April 5, 2021
That Brisket Look Dryyy …
— Josh Thompson (@given__talent) April 5, 2021
If this Brisket was a Big 12 football program it would be Kansas. But even Kansas football isn’t as bad as this. https://t.co/4bBpeY9EJZ
— Derek Duke (@DerekDuke25) April 5, 2021
moisture has entered the transfer portal https://t.co/hXQtl6K5nC
— Hector Diaz (@iamHectorDiaz) April 5, 2021
Riley not going to be allowed in any Texas high school after this. Oklahoma recruiting about to tank. https://t.co/nPocs80wTd
— Connor Townsend (@ConnorATownsend) April 5, 2021
Brisket looking like pic.twitter.com/i9FX4FTNDb
— Jon Hendricks (@BigBlueJon) April 5, 2021
Lincoln Riley getting cooked worse than his brisket.
— M.G. (@MarcasG) April 5, 2021
That brisket need some sauce on it
(@D_JAMISON5) April 5, 2021
A cow died so this dude could murder it a second time… https://t.co/C3HAUo2ilI
— Followers For Algernon (@bonerhitler) April 5, 2021
Lincoln Riley at the grill.
— UT Mangler (@UT_Mangler) April 5, 2021
This guy is absoluteley addicted to destroying longhorns https://t.co/qhSWSmKD8a
— PFTCommenter (@PFTCommenter) April 5, 2021
Them boys from Oklahoma smoke their meats all wrong am I right?
— Trent Sconiers (@trentsconiers) April 5, 2021
Nothing brings Twitter together like a picture of overcooked brisket. It's an incredible bonding moment.
— Adam Kramer (@KegsnEggs) April 5, 2021
Meat so annihilated by a Sooner I’m gonna call it Mack Brown
— BUM CHILLUPS AKA SPENCER HALL (@edsbs) April 5, 2021
Does that look super dry or is that just me lol
— Spencer Clark (@KeithstoneClark) April 4, 2021
If you want people to hate you tweet a pic of dry brisket
— Nichole Davidson Williamson (@NicholeDavidson) April 5, 2021
All of Texas looking at that… pic.twitter.com/3MZpHgM0SF
— Evil MoPac (@EvilMopacATX) April 5, 2021
what’s this a fossil of?
— April Radness li'l
listen to @onbeliefpod (@karengeier) April 5, 2021
OL recruits looking at Lincoln Riley’s “brisket”… pic.twitter.com/VcVk2dl0ny
— EP_Tex (@EP_Tex) April 5, 2021
https://t.co/gFVSTF3yjd pic.twitter.com/Hy8K4fA0ti
— Mike Roach (@MikeRoach247) April 5, 2021
glad that lincoln has finally found something he can burn more than west virginia's defense https://t.co/wfwmWRsu3T
— the smoking musket (@smokingmusket) April 5, 2021
I got dehydrated just looking at it. https://t.co/lOtekVYxql
— EricInsideTexas (@EricNahlin) April 5, 2021
The 5 star WR eating Lincoln Riley’s brisket at the recruiting cookout pic.twitter.com/MW2NF1Kmsm
— Marcus Pfizer (@JamesDGrambo) April 5, 2021
Well, at least you can call a hell of an offense.
— Stewart Saenz (@StewartSaenz) April 4, 2021
that’s some good looking beef jerky!!
— TexLong (@UT_e_x_a_s) April 5, 2021
Beating K-State and keeping a brisket moist, 2 things Lincoln Riley really struggles with. https://t.co/TDvVGbTNyW
— Brett Morey (@Brettmorey1) April 5, 2021
Drier than a Popeyes biscuit https://t.co/0bX4050gyx
— Grady Saunders (@AtGrady) April 5, 2021
This Tuesday, I’m cooking Texas Tech harder than Lincoln cooked that brisket #TechFactTuesday
— Kyle Umlang (@kyleumlang) April 5, 2021
https://t.co/Hmhx3egZ0k pic.twitter.com/EO4e7R11Ju
— David Allen (@Doc_Texas) April 5, 2021
Finally found something Lincoln Riley can burn worse than a defense https://t.co/QbW7wa7VSl
— Alex Kirshner (@alex_kirshner) April 5, 2021
I would not risk it for Lincoln Riley’s brisket.
— Dalton Miller (@DaltonBMiller) April 5, 2021
Nah why Lincoln Riley post that
ain’t no way he smoked that
— IG honey with stats (@mr_blah_blah__) April 4, 2021
Eatin that brisket like pic.twitter.com/sFbOLQlzxU
— J. Marshall (@jeffmarshallep) April 5, 2021