Kevin Harlan made an epic call of the protester who ran onto the field during Rams-49ers

“That guy is headed to the slammer, and it will not be a good night!”

Kevin Harlan’s calls of non-sports things happening during games — from fan beer spills to baby races to field invaders on Monday Night Football — are legendary.

And it’s the latter we’re focused on at the moment, because Harlan — like the ManningCast crew — had the call on the field invader who stormed the field during Monday’s Week 4 Los Angeles Rams and San Francisco 49ers (and who got DEMOLISHED by Bobby Wagner).

As always, it’s great call, from the tackles made by Wagner and Co. to the pink smoke that was from a specific protestor.

“That guy is headed to the slammer,” he declared, “and it will not be a good night.

Amazing, as always.

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