Jeff Van Gundy absolutely roasts the idea of NBA players ‘doing my own research’ on COVID vaccine

Jeff Van Gundy is spot on with this.

The hottest topic around the NBA so far this season has been the COVID vaccine.

Will it be mandated for players? Why aren’t players taking it? Can a player play in state X if they aren’t vaccinated? Will they actually miss games because they refuse to get vaccinated?

There are many more questions where that came from. But the bottom line is that it’s clear there are a handful of players around the NBA who are skeptical about the vaccine.

And many of those players have opted to do what they’re calling their own research to determine whether the vaccine is safe or not.

What does that research entail? We have no idea. What we do know, though, is there are actual scientists and doctors out here already doing the work and doing it the right way. These vaccines have already been thoroughly researched and tested. They’re safe.

The “do your research” thing sounds completely ridiculous. And Jeff Van Gundy absolutely picked the argument apart.

“You know what drives me crazy? ‘I’m doing my own research.’ I would like someone to answer this: What does that look like? You doing your own research? Are you doing studies yourself? Are you in lab nightly? I don’t understand what that means.”

That’s spot on, JVG. Spot on.

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