Jamal Adams is week-to-week with sprained ankle

Jets safety Jamal Adams suffered a sprained ankle after Sunday’s loss to the Bengals.

The Jets dodged a bullet with star safety Jamal Adams.

Adam Gase spoke to the media on Monday and said Adams suffered a sprained left ankle and is having an MRI, but is likely week-to-week. The Jets will be extra cautious with Adams, making sure he’s 100 percent healthy before stepping foot on the football field again, so he likely won’t practice or play this week. Adams was in a walking boot following Sunday’s loss to the Bengals.

In other injury news, Sam Darnold is okay after getting his ribs and knees banged up a bit. Meanwhile, Arthur Maulet has a calf strain and Brian Poole is in concussion protocol.

Gase also said that Steve McLendon is banged up, but didn’t mention anything about him not practicing this week.