Instruction with Steve Scott: How to hit a power draw for more distance

In this week’s episode of Instruction with Steve Scott, Steve explains how you can hit a power draw to maximize your distance off the tee.

Do you want to know how to work the ball from right to left?

In this week’s episode of Instruction with Steve Scott, Steve explains how you can hit a power draw to maximize your distance off the tee.

Scott, the PGA head golf professional at the Outpost Club, founder of the Silver Club Golfing Society and occasional broadcast analyst, has taken his thorough knowledge of the game and broken it down into digestible lessons from which anyone can benefit in Golfweek’s series, “Instruction with Steve Scott.”

Check out these step-by-step instructions and tips in the video above and share your before and after videos and photos with us on Twitter with #GolfweekInstruction.

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Click here to watch previous episodes of “Instruction with Steve Scott”, including Gator-clamp putting, iron play and flop shots.