Instant analysis: A true competition? Bills nab kicker Tyler Bass

With their first of two slated picks in the sixth round of the 2020 NFL Draft, the Bills added competition for Stephen Hauschka by selecting K Tyler Bass of Georgia Southern. 

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With the first of two slated picks in the sixth round of the 2020 NFL Draft, the Bills added competition for Stephen Hauschka by selecting K Tyler Bass of Georgia Southern.

Bass finished his four-year career for the Eagles going 54-of-68 on field goal attempts (79.41 percent), with a long of 50 yards.

Bass was a semi-finalist for the Lou Groza Award in his junior season and ESPN draft analyst Mel Kiper has him as the No. 1 kicker on his big board.

Bass was invited to play in the annual showcase Senior Bowl game in Mobile, Alabama, and caught the attention of NFL scouts in attendance. He shined in practices, booting a 55-yarder that would have been good from 60 yards-plus. In the game, he kicked field goals of 41 and 50 yards and was 4-of-4 on extra points.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Another Georgia Southern Eagle Tyler Bass having an impressive impact at the senior bowl. Matt Patricia couldn’t help but let him break it down! <a href=”;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#SeniorBowl</a> <a href=””>@GATALifestyle</a> <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Oliver Davis II (@I_Am_OD3) <a href=””>January 22, 2020</a></blockquote>

Using a draft pick to select a kicker would indicate the Bills are willing to move on from Stephen Hauschka should the veteran struggle during camp and the preseason. There is no doubt, the Bills are expecting a fierce competition this summer. Since the Bills used a draft pick on bass, that indicates they’ll certainly be giving him a realistic look.


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