How to watch the 1990 Orange Bowl with Notre Dame greats tonight

Notre Dame spent New Years Day 1990 knocking off No. 1 Colorado, ending the Buffs title dreams. Relive that game with some ND legends tonight!

Thursday night offers a pretty cool experience for Notre Dame fans looking for something different to do.  Not only can they re-live a classic Fighting Irish performance by watching No. 4 Notre Dame end No. 1 Colorado’s title dreams in the 1990 Orange Bowl, but they can watch that with a few of their favorite former Irish stars, too.

The game will be re-shown at 9:30 p.m. ET on NBCSN. Originally airing on NBC, we’ll get a good look at a younger Bob Costas doing pre-game while Dick Enberg is on the play-by-play.

You can also take in the game with the audio down and your internet up as Chris Zorich will be hosting a Q & A on Facebook with some of his former teammates during the game.  I don’t know exact names of those who will join him but it should bring back some good memories of an incredible run Notre Dame was in the middle of come the end of the 1989 season.

Also airing Thursday evening will be the 1992 “Snow Bowl” versus Penn State, which starts at 7:00 p.m. ET.  The night caps with the 1991 Orange Bowl between Colorado and Notre Dame again.

Maybe this time they won’t call a phantom clip.

