Here’s how to get buy one, get one free Chipotle for wearing a hockey jersey on Tuesday, May 23 2023

It’s buy-one, get-one-free day at Chipotle if you’re wearing a hockey jersey!

Hey, hockey fans — or, frankly, anyone with a hockey jersey in their closet — this is a good deal for you to take advantage of on Tuesday, May 23, 2023.

According to Chipotle, “Wear Your Hockey Jersey” day is on Tuesday. And that means if you walk into any of Chipotle’s stores with a jersey, you can get a buy-one, get-one-free deal.

The details: After 3 p.m. local time, go and get an entree “of equal or greater value” and you, the jersey-wearer, are “limited to five free menu items per check.”

That’s it. Go get some free food on Tuesday as you get ready to continue watching the NHL playoffs.