Here are Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift kissing while Love Story played at the Chiefs’ Super Bowl afterparty

Taylor Swift kissed Travis Kelce at the Chiefs’ Super Bowl party while her own love song played.

Don’t Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift seem like a real-life fairy tale sometimes?

I’ll tell you: I feel that vibe when I saw what popped up all over my X (formerly Twitter) timeline on Monday morning after the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl.

Swift and Kelce enjoyed their time at the Chiefs’ afterparty to celebrate another championship, and there’s all sorts of footage of them having a blast and walking out at the end of the night with his coat around her shoulders.

But there’s also video in which you can hear her Love Story playing, which she’s singing … to Kelce … and then they kiss.

Not only is that maybe the most meta thing ever, but it’s quite a fairy tale moment:

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