Gov. Andrew Cuomo: ‘I want to watch the Buffalo Bills’

New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo updates sports, mentions Buffalo Bills.

On Monday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo continued with his daily updates and all-things New York State in regard to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

During his latest update, Cuomo made a fun comment while discussing professional sports teams within his state’s borders. Cuomo said “I want to watch the Buffalo Bills.”

The feeling is mutual, Governor.

But in regard to the more serious aspect of the update, Cuomo, who also announced that the western New York region will begin re-opening steps on Tuesday, said the state government has instructed pro sports teams that they should plan to play without fans in the stands.

“I have been encouraging major sports teams to plan re-openings without fans but the games could be televised. New York State will help those major sports franchises to do just that. Hockey, basketball, baseball, football. Whoever, can re-open, we’re ready, willing, and able partner. Personal disclosure, I want to watch the Buffalo Bills,” Cuomo said.

Here’s his sports-related briefing:


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