Giants’ Saquon Barkley sees the benefits of virtual learning

New York Giants RB Saquon Barkley feels that the team may be better off learning the new offensive and defensive systems virtually.

Last week, the NFL released the 2020 regular season schedule in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. With all the uncertainty around the times (including sports), the NFL is planning to play out the full 16-game schedule until the medical community tells them otherwise.

While the New York Giants continue to prepare for the 2020 season, they, like most other teams, are doing so from unfamiliar territory as they currently prepare virtually.

One player that has not and is not missing out is star running back Saquon Barkley.

Barkley spoke to members of the media on Wednesday and acknowledged he is taking in as much as he can via the team meetings on Zoom, and believes that they may be more beneficial than in-person learning.

“To be honest, I feel like, maybe some people agree with me, maybe some people don’t, you’re probably learning more during this time and with the meetings over Zoom, having more time at home. I think it’s going to be beneficial, not only for myself but for the new rookies that we have and all the guys. If we just keep that right mindset and take advantage of it, I think it’ll help,” Barkley said.

As far as staying in shape, Barkley also isn’t missing a step there as he has a complete home gym in his basement.

“I am very fortunate enough to have my own little facility, gym setup I guess you could say. I kind of always wanted to get my own little gym and then this kind of happened so it kind of I guess you could say planned out perfectly for me. So, I’m really not missing a beat. I’ve kind of got everything that I kind of need,” Barkley said.

“Obviously, it’s just different not being there with your teammates. That’s just the stuff you miss the most and not being with your coaches. But just trying to attack it as best as I can and try to keep my body in tip top shape for when the opportunity does come I am more than ready.”

As far as the possibility of playing in a stadium without fans, Barkley explained how it might take some players back to their childhood:

“It would definitely be different– from playing in the NFL, playing around fans with the Giants, and then obviously in college at Penn State, which is an amazing place, amazing fans there too,” Barkley said. “But at the end of the day it kind of goes down to just playing ball. Kind of when you were a kid when no one’s watching, in the backyard, or for instance when we’re at practice. I know some practices we used to have fans there and have the media there, but most of the time no one is there. It’s just us going at it and getting better every single day. I guess that’s kind of the same approach I would take if that was the case.”

Barkley, of course, missed three games in 2019 and hopes to stay healthy this coming season. He was asked about his ankle injury last season which was originally supposed to keep him out of action 6-8 weeks.

“Then, with the ankle injury, the ankle felt good after the season let’s just say that. That’ll be the answer I’ve got for you,” he said.

Hopefully, the Giants can return to the practice field soon so Barkley and the Giants offense can get to work with their new coaching staff and revamped offensive line as the development of Daniel Jones continues. For the time being, Barkley will continue to make star moves by making the best of the virtual meetings and his home gym.

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