Fully clothed Robert Griffin III ripped his pants on ESPN broadcast while jumping in a lake

RGIII is now the proud owner of a pair of ripped pants.

Former NFL quarterback-turned-ESPN personality Robert Griffin III kicked off college football season with a rip and a splash on Saturday.

While on assignment in Washington for ESPN to cover the Huskies’ Saturday tilt with Boise State, Griffin decided to end one of his standups aboard a boat on one of Washington’s lakes with a jump into the water.

Well, as Griffin leaped into the air to prepare himself for his water landing, his blue pants ripped at the seam right on his hiney.

As soon as he hit the water, Griffin shared an angle of the video where he immediately knows that his pants are now ripped and he shares it with those who were watching.

Hey, if SpongeBob Squarepants taught us anything, it’s that a guy might rip his pants every now and again, and that’s totally okay.

It was quite a jump into the water, and if all Griffin has is a hilarious story to tell and a pair of ripped pants, that’s not a bad way to get the college football season started.

Feature image courtesy of ESPN.