Fortnite Chapter 5 Battle Pass leaks point to Peter Griffin, Solid Snake

It looks like the Fortnite Family Guy crossover is in Chapter 5’s Battle Pass, and Metal Gear Solid’s Snake is joining the multiplayer game

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It looks like the Fortnite Family Guy crossover is finally happening in Fortnite Chapter 5’s Battle Pass, and Metal Gear Solid’s Snake is joining the multiplayer game. The leak comes from Xbox, which accidentally posted an image from Chapter 5 on the Series X|S home screen. Fortnite leaker Shiina posted the image on Twitter before it was removed.

The Fortnite Family Guy crossover first popped up at the start of 2023 in a datamined list of upcoming skins, but this is the first we’ve seen of it since then.

Unless it’s wildly off base, it seems safe to say Season 5 has a spy theme. Everyone’s dressed in a swanky suit, even the giant bipedal tiger and Peter Griffin, the latter of whom is looking rather different than usual. Fortnite Peter Griffin is taller and somehow magicked away his signature belly.

Crouching on a snazzy car behind Peter is Solid Snake, from Konami’s classic Metal Gear series. There’s still no word on when we can expect the Metal Gear 3 remake, so if you’re wanting some fresh Snake, this is gonna have to do for now.

Jonesy is back and stands out from the suits with his white coat and bright scarf, and there’s a handful of other, more generic-looking characters. Most of these characters have guns, so whether you’ll be able to use them in certain player-created experiences is up in the air. Epic’s new standardized rating policy means some skins with visible guns are considered inappropriate for certain activities.

Fortnite Chapter 5 kicks off on Dec. 3, 2023, for PC, mobile, and console.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF