Fortnite Chapter 5 adds over 1,000 Lego Fortnite skins

Fortnite Chapter 5 is here, and with it is a treasure chest of Fortnite Lego skins, with more planned for characters in the multiplayer game

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Fortnite Chapter 5 is here, and with it is a treasure chest of Fortnite Lego skins, with even more planned for popular characters in the multiplayer game. The new update adds over 1,200 Lego variations to existing Fortnite skins, including Lego Peely, Fishstick, and more.

You can check a skin’s “details” page in the shop to see if it has a variant, and some emotes will have different Lego styles as well.

The official Lego x Fortnite page posted a short video highlighting some of those character skins and said they’re available in the item store now or, if you already own a character or emote with a Lego alternative, they should be in your locker. Maybe. I think Epic might have jumped the brick on this one, as the existing item shop has no Lego variants, and the Fortnite x Lego collaboration doesn’t properly begin until Dec. 7, 2023.

Either way, when it does go live, you can expect to see Jonesy in Lego form, that creepy-looking Cuddle Bear, the guy with a tomato on his head called Tomatohead – pretty much every skin that Epic doesn’t have to license from other properties, like it does for Peter Griffin and Solid Snake. It’s unclear whether we’ll see Lego variants for the likes of Spider-Man or any of the dozens of other crossover character skins, as Epic didn’t mention any specific plans for which characters are included in the collaboration.

The announcement blog post did mention that more Lego outfits will land in the game “often,” so check back if you don’t see your favorite at first.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF