Former Texas safety Earl Thomas involved in altercation with wife

Texas legend Earl Thomas was recently involved in a shocking altercation with his wife Nina.

Texas legend Earl Thomas has seemingly lived a private life off of the field.

That’s until TMZ got a hold of police records that detailed a recent altercation between Thomas and his wife Nina. Although Thomas posted a video to social media shortly before the national news broke, it didn’t appear to help his case.

“So my agent just hit me and said that i’m going to be on TMZ tomorrow for an altercation that happened with me and Nina. Just wanted to get ahead of it, and it’s really nobody’s business. It’s pissing me off that it got out, but it’s the world that we live in today. Instead of talking about us, just keep us in your prayers. Stuff like this happens. We try to do the best in life that we possibly can, sometimes it doesn’t go as planned. Just pray for us as we go through this stuff, we’re back talking and i’m seeing my kids. Just keep us in your prayers.”

TMZ released shocking details of the dispute from April 13. According to court documents, Austin Police Department responded to a disturbance call in the Austin area where Nina claims she tracked Thomas’ location to a nearby Airbnb rental home. When Nina witnessed Thomas naked in bed with his brother and other women, she held a pistol to his head.

While Nina claims she brought the pistol in an attempt to scare Thomas, he was eventually able to wrestle the firearm away from her. Cops ultimately arrested Nina on the scene for burglary of a residence with intent to commit aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Regardless of how you choose to view this situation, both sides are in the wrong. While each may be different levels of wrongdoings, they’re still wrong. These aren’t things that happen, these are the results of poor choices. For someone so highly thought of as a role model on and off the field, Thomas’ character will certainly be damaged.