‘Final Fantasy 14’ — what is it, and why has it suddenly become so huge?

What’s all the fuss about Final Fantasy 14?

Welcome to FTW Explains: a guide to catching up on and better understanding stuff going on in the world. Here’s a special edition concerning Final Fantasy 14, which will hopefully answer any questions you might have about the game.

If you orbit the world of video games, you may have heard people talking about Final Fantasy lately. Square Enix’s role-playing series has been one of the most popular video game franchises since its inception in 1987, but Final Fantasy 14, in particular, has seen a massive uptick in interest in recent months, with scores of players signing up to join its sprawling, always-online world.

If you’re curious about why there’s been a surge in popularity, here’s everything you need to know about the wildly popular Final Fantasy MMORPG.